Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 118.djvu/855

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118 STAT. 825 PUBLIC LAW 108–274—JULY 13, 2004 the preceding 12 month period for which data are avail able. ‘‘(ii) APPLICABLE PERCENTAGE.—For purposes of the subparagraph, the term ‘applicable percentage’ means— ‘‘(I) 2.3571 percent for the 1 year period begin ning October 1, 2003; ‘‘(II) 2.6428 percent for the 1 year period begin ning October 1, 2004; ‘‘(III) 2.9285 percent for the 1 year period beginning October 1, 2005; and ‘‘(IV) 1.6071 percent for the 1 year period beginning October 1, 2006. ‘‘(iii) LESSER DEVELOPED BENEFICIARY SUB SAHA RAN AFRICAN COUNTRY.—For purposes of this subpara graph, the term ‘lesser developed beneficiary sub Saha ran African country’ means— ‘‘(I) a beneficiary sub Saharan African country that had a per capita gross national product of less than $1,500 in 1998, as measured by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; ‘‘(II) Botswana; and ‘‘(III) Namibia.’’. (3) Section 112(b)(5)(A) of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (19 U.S.C. 3721(b)(5)(A)) is amended to read as follows: ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Apparel articles that are both cut (or knit to shape) and sewn or otherwise assembled in one or more beneficiary sub Saharan African countries, to the extent that apparel articles of such fabrics or yarns would be eligible for preferential treatment, without regard to the source of the fabrics or yarns, under Annex 401 to the NAFTA.’’. (c) HANDLOOMED, HANDMADE, FOLKLORE ARTICLES AND ETHNIC PRINTED FABRICS.—Section 112(b)(6) of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (19 U.S.C. 3721(b)(6)) is amended to read as fol lows: ‘‘(6) HANDLOOMED, HANDMADE, FOLKLORE ARTICLES AND ETHNIC PRINTED FABRICS.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—A handloomed, handmade, folklore article or an ethnic printed fabric of a beneficiary sub Saharan African country or countries that is certified as such by the competent authority of such beneficiary country or countries. For purposes of this section, the President, after consultation with the beneficiary sub Saharan African country or countries concerned, shall determine which, if any, particular textile and apparel goods of the country (or countries) shall be treated as being handloomed, hand made, or folklore articles or an ethic printed fabric. ‘‘(B) REQUIREMENTS FOR ETHNIC PRINTED FABRIC.— Ethnic printed fabrics qualified under this paragraph are— ‘‘(i) fabrics containing a selvedge on both edges, having a width of less than 50 inches, classifiable under subheading 5208.52.30 or 5208.52.40 of the Har monized Tariff Schedule of the United States; ‘‘(ii) of the type that contains designs, symbols, and other characteristics of African prints—