Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 119.djvu/1643

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[119 STAT. 1625]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2005
[119 STAT. 1625]

PUBLIC LAW 109–59—AUG. 10, 2005

119 STAT. 1625

characteristics of and requirements for public transportation security grants, including funding priorities, eligible activities, methods for awarding grants, and limitations on administrative expenses. (d) CHAPTER ANALYSIS.—The analysis for chapter 53 is amended by striking the item relating to section 5329 and inserting the following: ‘‘5329. Investigations of safety hazards and security risks.’’. SEC. 3029. STATE SAFETY OVERSIGHT.

(a) IN GENERAL.—Section 5330 is amended— (1) by striking the section heading and all that follows through subsection (a) and inserting the following: ‘‘§ 5330. State safety oversight ‘‘(a) APPLICATION.—This section shall only apply to— ‘‘(1) States that have rail fixed guideway public transportation systems that are not subject to regulation by the Federal Railroad Administration; and ‘‘(2) States that are designing rail fixed guideway public transportation systems that will not be subject to regulation by the Federal Railroad Administration.’’; (2) in subsection (d) by striking ‘‘may’’ and inserting ‘‘shall ensure uniform safety standards and enforcement or shall’’; and (3) by striking subsection (f). (b) CHAPTER ANALYSIS.—The analysis for chapter 53 is amended by striking the item relating to section 5330 and inserting the following: ‘‘5330. State safety oversight.’’. SEC.







(a) DEFINITIONS.—Section 5331(a)(3) is amended by striking the period at the end and inserting the following: ‘‘or section 2303a, 7101(i), or 7302(e) of title 46. The Secretary may also decide that a form of public transportation is covered adequately, for employee alcohol and controlled substances testing purposes, under the alcohol and controlled substance statutes or regulations of an agency within the Department of Transportation or the Coast Guard.’’. (b) TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS.—Subsections (b)(1) and (g) of section 5331 are each amended by striking ‘‘or section 103(e)(4) of title 23’’. (c) REGULATIONS.—Section 5331(f) is amended by striking paragraph (3). SEC. 3031. EMPLOYEE PROTECTIVE ARRANGEMENTS.

Section 5333(b) is amended— (1) in paragraph (1) by striking ‘‘5318(d), 5323(a)(1), (b), (d), and (e), 5328, 5337, and 5338(b)’’ each place it appears and inserting ‘‘5316, 5318, 5323(a)(1), 5323(b), 5323(d), 5328, 5337, and 5338(b)’’; and (2) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(4) Fair and equitable arrangements to protect the interests of employees utilized by the Secretary of Labor for assistance to purchase like-kind equipment or facilities, and grant amendments which do not materially revise or amend existing assistance agreements, shall be certified without referral.

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