Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 119.djvu/1778

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[119 STAT. 1760]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2005
[119 STAT. 1760]

119 STAT. 1760

PUBLIC LAW 109–59—AUG. 10, 2005

(1) establish (A) a system for filing and logging consumer complaints relating to household goods motor carriers for the purpose of compiling or linking complaint information gathered by the Department of Transportation and the States with regard to such carriers, (B) a database of the complaints, and (C) a procedure for the public to have access, subject to section 552(a) of title 5, United States Code, to aggregated information and for carriers to challenge duplicate or fraudulent information in the database; (2) issue regulations requiring each motor carrier of household goods to submit on a quarterly basis a report summarizing— (A) the number of shipments that originate and are delivered for individual shippers during the reporting period by the carrier; (B) the number and general category of complaints lodged by consumers with the carrier; (C) the number of claims filed with the carrier for loss and damage in excess of $500; (D) the number of such claims resolved during the reporting period; (E) the number of such claims declined in the reporting period; and (F) the number of such claims that are pending at the close of the reporting period; and (3) develop a procedure to forward a complaint, including the motor carrier bill of lading number, if known, related to the complaint to a motor carrier named in such complaint and to an appropriate State authority (as defined in section 14710(d) of title 49, United States Code) in the State in which the complainant resides. (b) USE OF INFORMATION.—The Secretary shall consider information in the data base established under subsection (a) in its household goods compliance and enforcement program.


49 USC 14706 note. Deadline. Regulations.


(a) REVIEW.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Surface Transportation Board shall complete a review of the current Federal regulations regarding the level of liability protection provided by motor carriers that provide transportation of household goods and revise such regulations, if necessary, to provide enhanced protection in the case of loss or damage. (b) DETERMINATIONS.—The review required by subsection (a) shall include a determination of— (1) whether the current regulations provide adequate protection; (2) the benefits of purchase by a shipper of insurance to supplement the carrier’s limitations on liability; and (3) whether there are abuses of the current regulations that leave the shipper unprotected in the event of loss and damage to a shipment of household goods. SEC. 4216. APPLICATION OF STATE CONSUMER PROTECTION LAWS TO CERTAIN HOUSEHOLD GOODS CARRIERS.

(a) STUDY.—The Comptroller General shall conduct a study on the current consumer protection authorities and actions of the Department of Transportation and the impact on shippers and carriers of household goods involved in interstate transportation

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