Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 119.djvu/2059

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[119 STAT. 2041]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2005
[119 STAT. 2041]

PUBLIC LAW 109–77—SEPT. 30, 2005

119 STAT. 2041

as made applicable to fiscal year 2006 by the provisions of this joint resolution, shall not apply with respect to Pakistan through the date specified in section 106(3) of this joint resolution. SEC. 118. (a) Funds provided in section 101 of this joint resolution for ‘‘Social Security Administration, Limitation on Administrative Expenses’’ may be used to complete the processing of appeals received prior to July 1, 2005, under sections 1852 and 1869 of the Social Security Act, notwithstanding section 931(b) of Public Law 108–173. (b) The Commissioner of Social Security may enter into a reimbursable agreement with the Secretary of Health and Human Services to process, during fiscal year 2006, appeals received after June 30, 2005, and prior to October 1, 2005. SEC. 119. For the purposes of section 101 of this joint resolution, amounts obligated in fiscal year 2005 from funding provided in section 1015 of Public Law 108–173 shall be deemed to have been provided in an applicable appropriations Act for fiscal year 2005. SEC. 120. Notwithstanding section 101 of this joint resolution, amounts are provided for ‘‘Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Secretary, Medicare Appeals’’ at a rate for operations not exceeding the rate set forth for such account in title II of H.R. 3010 of the 109th Congress, as passed by the House of Representatives. SEC. 121. Section 1015(b) of Public Law 108–173 is amended by striking ‘‘2005’’ and inserting ‘‘2006’’. SEC. 122. The authority provided by section 2011 of title 38, United States Code, shall continue in effect through the date specified in section 106(3) of this joint resolution. SEC. 123. The authority provided by section 2808 of Public Law 108–136, as amended by section 2810 of Public Law 108– 375, shall continue in effect through the date specified in section 106(3) of this joint resolution. SEC. 124. The amendment made by section 1022 of Public Law 109–13 shall continue in effect through the date specified in section 106(3) of this joint resolution. SEC. 125. Funds appropriated by section 101 of this joint resolution for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration may be obligated in the account and budget structure set forth in the pertinent Acts specified in section 101(a)(8). SEC. 126. Funds appropriated by section 101 of this joint resolution for ‘‘National Science Foundation, Research and Related Activities’’ may be used for Arctic and Antarctic icebreaking maintenance and operations. SEC. 127. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this joint resolution, except section 106, the District of Columbia may expend local funds for programs and activities under the heading ‘‘District of Columbia Funds’’ at the rate set forth for such programs and activities under title V of H.R. 3058, One Hundred Ninth Congress, as passed by the House of Representatives, and in addition, funds under ‘‘District of Columbia Funds, Enterprise and Other Funds, Capital Outlay’’ as included in the Fiscal Year 2006 Proposed Budget and Financial Plan submitted to the Congress by the District of Columbia on June 6, 2005. (b) Section 2302 of Public Law 108–11, as amended by section 336 of Public Law 108–335 shall be applied by substituting the date specified in section 106(3) of this joint resolution for ‘‘September 30, 2005’’.

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117 Stat. 2446.

37 USC 403 note.



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