Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/10

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Dakota Territory. An act to provide a temporary government for the Territory of Dakota, and to create the office. of surveyor-general therein. March 2, 1861, ch. 86 239
Public Documents, Keeping and Distribution of. An act to amend an act approved February fifth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, entitled "An act providing for keeping and distributing all public documents, and for other purposes." March 2, 1861, ch. 87 244
Patents. An act in addition to "An act to promote the progress of the useful arts." March 2, 1861, ch. 88 246


No. 1. The Steamboat John C. Fremont. A resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to permit the owners of the steamboat "John C. Fremont" to change the name of the same to that of "Horizon." January 19, 1861 280
No. 2. Schooner Spring Hill. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to change the name of the schooner "Spring Hill" to that of the "United States." January 19, 1861 250
No. 5. Craven, Lieut. T. A. M. A resolution authorizing Lieut. T. A. M. Craven, United States navy, to receive certain marks of distinction tendered him by the Spanish Government. February 18, 1861 250
No. 9. Raft of Red River, Removal of. Joint resolution giving the assent of Congress to certain acts passed or to be passed by the legislatures of the States of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas, or any two of them, in relation to the "Raft" of Red River, and for other purposes. February 21, 1861 260
No. 11. Lands in Iowa. Joint resolution to quit title to lands in the State of Iowa. March 2, 1861 251
No. 12. Smithsonian Institution. A resolution for the appointment of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. March 2, 1861 251
No. 13. Amendment of the Constitution. Joint resolution to amend the Constitution of the United States. March 2, 1861 251
No. 14. Arms to California. A resolution authorizing the issue of the same quota of arms to the State of California for the years eighteen hundred and fifty and eighteen hundred and fifty-one, as was issued to that State for the year eighteen hundred an fifty-two. March 2, 1861 252
No. 15. Tariff of 1861, Correction of Errors in. A resolution to correct certain errors in the act entitled "An act to provide for the payment of outstanding treasury notes, to authorize a loan, to regulate and fix the duties on imports, and for other purposes," approved the second of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-one. March 2, 1861 252
No. 16. Paulding, Commodore H. Joint resolution authorizing Commodore H. Paulding to receive a sword awarded to him by the Republic of Nicaragua. March 2, 1861 262
No. 17. Hudson, Capt. Wm. L. A resolution authorizing Captain William L. Hudson of the United States navy, to accept a diamond brooch for his wife, presented to her by the Emperor of Russia. March 2, 1861 252
No. 18. Smiley, Wm. H. A resolution authorizing W. H. Smiley, United States Commercial Agent at the Falkland Islands, to receive a telescope tendered him by the Belgian Government. March 2, 1861 252


Acts of the Thirty-seventh Congress of the United States

STATUTE I.—1861.

Duties on Arms remitted. An act to refund and remit the duties on arms imported by States. July 10, 1861. ch. 1 255