Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1004

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952 TREATY WITH THE YAKAMAS. JUNE 9, 1855. forty-seventh (47°) parallel of latitude; thence cast on said parallel to the main Palousc River, which two latter lincs of boundary separate the above confcdcrabcd tribes and bands from the Spokaucs; thencc down the Palousc Rivcr to its junction with the Mob-hah-ne-she, or southern tributary of the same; thence, in a soutbcstcrly direction, to the Snake River, at the mouth of the Tucauncn River, separating the above confederated tribcs from the Nez Pcrcé tribe of Indians; thence down the Snake River to its junction with the Columbia River; thence up the Columbia River to the “Whitc banks," below the Pricsfs rapids ; thence westerly to a lake called “La Lac;" thence southerly to a point on the Yakamu River called Toh·mah-luke; thence, in a southwesterly direction, to the Columbia River, at the western extremity of the “Big Island," between the mouths of the Umatilla River and Butler Creek ; all which latter boundaries separate the above confedcratcd tribes and bands from the Walla·Walla, Cayusc, and Umatilla tribes and bands of Indians; thence down the Columbia River to midway between the mouths of White Salmon and Wind Rivers; thence along the divide between said rivers m the main ridge of the Cascade Mountains; and thence along said ridge to the place of beginning. gem-vmon, ARTICLE II. There is, however, reserved, from the lands above ceded for the usc and occupation of the aforesaid confcdcmtcd tribes and bands of Indians, the tract of land included within the following boundaries, to wit: Boundaries. Commcncing on the Yakama River, at the mouth of the Attah-nam River; thence westerly along said Attah-nam River to the forks ; thence along the southern tributary tc the Cascade Mountains; thence southerly along the main ridge of said mountains, passing south and cast of Mount Adams, to the spur whence Hows the waters of the Klickamt and Pisco rivers; thence down said spur tc the divide between the waters of said rivers; thence along said divide to the divide separating the waters of the Satass River from those flowing into the Columbia River; thence along said divide to the main Yakaqna, eight miles below the mouth of tlfc Sams River; and thcnm up the Yakama. River to the place of bcgmnmg. memtiou no All which tract shall be set apart, aud, so far as necessary, surveyed

d"f¤3}:::·ti‘°· and marked out, for the exclusive use and bcuciit of said confedcratcd

mm, theygqn; tribes and bands of Indians, as an Indian reservation; nor shall any whim not to white man, excepting those in the employment of the Indian Department, reside thereon. be permitted to reside upon the said reservation without permission of the tribe and the superintendent and agent. And the said confbdcratcd uzibcs and bands agrcc to remove tc, and settle upon, the same, within one year after the ratification of this treaty. In the mean time it shall be lawful for them to reside upon any ground not in the actual claim and occupation of citizens of the United States; and upon any ground claimed or occupied, if with the permission of the owner or claimant. Guaranteeing, however, the right to all citizens of the United States, to enter upon and occupy as settlers any lands not actually occupied and cultivated by said Indians at this time, and not included in the reservation above named. Impmvemem And provided, That any substantial improvements heretofore made by

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    df¤¤ by any Indian, such as fields enclosed and cultivated, and houses erected

Sum yp0n the lands hereby ceded, and which he may be compelled to abandon un consequence of this treaty, shall be valued, under the direction of the President of the United States, and payment made therefor in money; or improvements of an equal value made for said Indian upon the reservation. And no Indian will be required to abandon the improvements aforesaid, now occupied by him, until their value in money, or improvements of an equal value shall be furnished him as aforesaid. , Amrxcmc III. And provided, That, if ucccssary for the public cou-