Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1015

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TREATY WITH INDIANS IN MIDDLE OREGON. JUNE 25, 1855. 963 Treaty between the United States and the conjederated tribes and bands of Indians in ./Middle Oregon. Oonclnded at Wasco, in Oregon Territmjy, June 25, 1855. Ratified by the Senate, March 8, 1859. Proclaimed by the President of the United States, April 18, 1859. JAMES BUCHANAN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, T0 ALL AND s1NGULA1z TO wnom THESE PRESENTS SHALL 00ME, Gnnrrrmu: Juno 25, 1355. WHEREAS a treaty was made and concluded at Wasco, near the Dalles Preamble} of the Columbia River, in Oregon Territory, on the twenty-fifth day of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, between Joel Palmer, superintendent of Indian affairs for the said Territory, on the part of the United States, and the followingmamed chiefs and headmen of the oonfederated tribes and bands of Indians residing in Middle Oregon, they being authorized thereto by their respective bands, to wit : Symtustus, Locks-quis·sa, Shick-a—me, and Kuck—up, chiefs of the Ta·ih or Upper De Chutes band of Walla-Wallas; Stocket-ly and Iso, chiefs of Wyam or Lower De Chutes band of Walla-Wallas; Alexis and Talk-ish, chiefs of the Tenino band of Walla-Wallas; Yise, chief of the Dock-spus or John Day’s River band of Walla-Wallas; Mark, William Chenook, and Cush-Kella, chiefs of the Dalles band of the Wascoes; Toh·simph, chief of the Ki-galtwal-la band of the Wascoes, and Wal-la-chin, chief of the Dog River band of the Wascoes ; which treaty is in the words and figures following, to wit: Articles of agreement and convention made and concluded at Wasco, Contracting near the Dalles of the Columbia River, in Oregon Territory, by Joel l’“”‘°" Palmer, superintendent of Indian affairs, on the part of the United States, and the followingmamed chiefs and headmen of the confederated tribes and bands of Indians, residing in Middle Oregon, they being duly authorized thereto by their respective bands, to wit: Symtustus, Locksquis·sa, Shick-a-me, and Kuck-up, chiefs of the Taih or Upper De Chutes band of Walla-Wallas; Stocket—ly and Iso, chiefs of the Wyam or Lower De Chutes band of Walla-Wallas; Alexis and Talk-ish, chiefs of the Tenino band of Walla—WaIlas; Yise, chief of the Dock·spus or John Day’s River band of Walla~Wallas; Mark, `William Chenook, and Cush- Kella, chiefs of the Dalles band of the Wascoes ; Toh-simph, chief of the Ki-gal·twal-la band of Wascoes; and `Wal-la-chin, chief of the Dog River band of Wascoes. Anrrcrm I. The above-named confederated bands of Indians cede to G¤¤¤i<>¤ of the United States all their right, title, and claim to all and every part of ¥,‘§g;$°S°,g‘;%_ the country claimed by them, included in the following boundaries, to wit: Commencing in the middle of the Columbia River, at the Cascade Boundaries. Falls, and running thence southerly to the summit of the Cascade Mountains ; thence along said summit to the forty-fourth parallel of north latitude; thence east on that parallel to the summit of the Blue Mountains, or the western boundary of the Sho·sho-ne or Snake country; thence northerly along that summit to a point due east from the head waters of Willow Creek; thence west to the head waters of said creek; thence down said stream to its junction with the Columbia River; and thence down the channel of the Columbia River to the place of beginning. Provo1.. xn. Txm.·r.-124