TREATY WITH THE PONCAS. MARCH 12, 1858. 997 Treaty between the United States and the Ponca Tribe of Indians. Concluded at Washington, March 12, 1858. Ratified the Senate, March 8, 1859. Proclaimed (ry the President of the United States, April 11, 1859. JAMES BUCHANAN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, ·ro ALL AND smeunnn TO wuom rmcsn rnssmnrs SHALL comm, GREETINGI March 12, 1858. WHEREAS a treaty was made and concluded, at the city of Washington, on the twelfth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, by Charles E. Mix, Commissioner on the part of the United States, and Wawgah-sab-pi, or Whip; Gish-tah-wah-gu, or Strong Walker; Mitchell P. Cera, or Wash-kom-mcni; A-shno-ni-kah—gah-hi, or Lone Chief; Shukah-bi, or Heavy Clouds; Tah-tungah-nushi, or Standing Buffalo, on the part of the Ponca tribe of Indians, they being duly authorized and empowered thereto by said tribe; which treaty is in the words and igures following, to wit: -— Articles of agreement and convention made and concluded, at the city (5,,,,;;,-,,,,;;;,,; of Washington, on the twelfth day of March, one thousand eight hundred Partiesand fifty-eight, by Charles E. Mix, Commissioner on the part of the United States, and Wa-gah·sah—pi, or Wliip; Gish-tah-wah-gu, or Strong Walker; Mitchell P. Cera, or Wash-k0m—moni; A-shno-ni-kah-gah-hi, or Lone Chief; Shu-kah·bi, or Heavy Clouds; Tah-tungah-nushi, or Standing Buffalo, on the part of the Ponca tribe of Indians; they being thereto duly authorized and empowered by said tribe. ARTICLE I. The Ponca tribe of Indians hereby cede and relinquish Cession ofall to the United States all the lands now owned or claimed by them, wherever Q"? §°Stg"; situate, except the tract bounded as follows, viz.: Beginning at a point on Iii,,;,,,,,;,;:; the Neobrara River and running due north, so as to intersect the Ponca Boundaries- River twenty-five miles from its mouth; thence from said point of intersection, up and along the Ponca River, twenty --—--· miles ; thence due south to the Neobrara River; and thence down and along said river to the place of beginning; which tract is hereby reserved for the future homes of said Indians; and to which they agree and bind themselves to remove within one year from the date of the ratification of this agreement by the Senate and President of the United States. _ _ ARTICLE II. In consideration of the foregoing cession and relinquish- th§t;gfz“;t°{‘;6°“ ment, the United States agree and stipulate as follows, viz. 1- United seam, First. To protect the Poncas in the possession of the tract of land to protectthe reserved for their future homes, and their persons and property thereon, P°¤<>¤S· during good behavior on their part. Second. To pay to them, or expend for their benefit, the sum of twelve to pay mem thousand dollars ($12,000) per annum for five years; commencing with €;¤}¤¤;i¤it>-*5 M the year in which they shall remove to and settle upon the tract reserved ” Y y°°°m' for their future homes; ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per annum for ten years, from and after the expiration of the said five years ; and thereafter eight thousand dollars ($8.000) per annum, for fifteen years; of which sums the President of the United States shall from time to time hqwtobe paid. determine what proportion shall be paid to the Poncas in cash, and what proportion shall be expended for their benefit; and also in what manner or for what objects such expenditure shall be made. He shall likewise ekercise the power to make such provision out of the same, as he may
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