1042 TREATY WITH THE SIOUX, OF JUNE 19, 1858. RESOLUTION OF THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES. Right and Ntle of certain Bands of Sioux Podium, to lands embraced in Reservations on the Jlhnnesota River. IN rim Snnssrn or 1:1-m Unrrnn Summa, Jmm 27th, 1860. Preamble. Wnmzms by the second articles of the treaties of June 19, 1858, with Ante, Treaties, the Med-a-wa-kanton and Wah—pa-koo-ta, and the Sisseeton and Wah- Pl’· 8°»86· pa-ton bands of the Dacotah or Sioux Indians, it is submitted to the Senate to decide as to the right or title of said bands of Indians to the lands embraced in the reservations occupied by them on the Minnesota River, in the State of Minnesota, and what compensation shall be made to them for those portions of said reservations lying on the north side of that river, which they agreed by said treaties to surrender and relinquish to the United States; “ whether they shall be allowed a specified sum in money therefor, and if so, how much, or whether the same shall be sold for their benefit., they to receive the proceeds of such sale, deducting the necessary expenses incident thereto;" and whereas said Indians were permitted to retain and occupy said reservations in lieu of other lands Vo!. x. p. 957. which they were entitled to under the amendments of the Senate to the treaties made with them in the year 1851, and large amounts of the money of said Indians have been expended by the government in improvements and otherwise upon the lands contained in said reservations ; VJLWQ <>l¤§;g7· and whereas by act of Congress of July 31, 1854, said reservations were
- ' P`authorized to be confirmed to those Indians:
_Rigbt of in- Resolved, That said Indians possessed a just and valid right and title g:g’m%*:;';";‘;°€$ to said' reservations, and that they be allowed the sum of thirty cents per them. acre for the lands contained in that portion thereof lying on the north side of the Minnesota River, exclusive of the cost of survey and sale, or any contingent expense that may accrue whatever, which by the treaties of _ June, 1858, they have relinquished and given up to the United States,-— mE;*g¤°*:IE:1§::s_d Resolved, further, That all persons who have in good faith settled and mation_ my made xmprovements upon any of the lands contained in said reservations, preempt, Src. believing the same to be government lands, shall have the right of preemption to one hundred and sixty acres thereof, to include their improvements, on paying the sum of one dollar and twenty-tive cents per acre P¤’¤Yi¤¤· therefor: Provided, That when such settlements have been made on the lands of the Indians on the south side of the Minnesota River, the assent of the Indians shall first be obtained, in such manner as the Secretary of the Interior shall prescribe, and that the amount which shall be so paid for their lands, shall be paid into the treasury of the United States. Attest: ASBURY DICKIN S, Secretary.