Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/110

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S0 THIRTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 180, 181. 1860. R¤P°>‘*¤*¤¤ CM- said Secretary shall report to Congress, at the conxmencement of the next gm"' session, the amount of money borrowed undef thxs act, and of wnom and on what terms it shall have been obtained, Wlth an abseract or br1eF smte— ment; of all the proposals submitted for the same, distmguxshing between those accepted and those rejected, with a detailed statement of the expense of making suchloans: And provided, That no stock shall be d.S ‘°°k “°“° b° disposed of at less than its par value; and the sum of five thousand dollars mposed of at . . f · th t t th -_ Xgsgthau pm-, is hereby appropriated, out 0 nuy money in e reasnry no 0 erwhe APP¤>P1‘i¤fi<>¤ appropriated, to pay for cngmving and prmting the certificates, and other f°'°*P°'¥°°° cx uses of executinrr this act- but no additional com ensation shall be under thm act. Pc n a P

 allowed to any person receiving a salary by law.

U£:£‘S°,;€;‘: Sm. 4. And be it further enacted, That the faith of the United Stages pmxgsd, is hereby pledged for the due payment of the mterest and the redemption of the principal of said stock. AEPBOYED, June 22, 1860. June 22, 1860. Can. CLXKXI.-An Act making A pmpriationsfor the Naval Se: ice 0 th Y """""* ending the thirlieth of lufw, eighteen hundred and sixty-an;. Bc it enacted (gy the Senate and House of Represcmatives of the United States of America in Ocmgress assembled, That the following sums be, Avpfopriv-ti<>¤· and they are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the year ending the thircieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-one: PW- For pay of commission, warrant, and petty officers and seamen, including the engineer corps of the navy, four million five hundred and seventy- four thousand seven hundred and twenty-five dollars and ninety-seven cents. P¤’°'i¤i°¤¤- Fox: provisions for commission, warrant, and petty officers and seamen, mcluding engineers and marines attached to vessels for sea-service, nine

 hundred and forty-one thousand seven hundred dollars.

S*°k• &°· Fon surgeons necessaries and appliances for the sick and hurt of the

z;§;é3cg:;nng the engineer and marine corps, thirty-five thousand six

a Repub-, equip- For the repair and equipment of vessels of the a 'lli miféfsz Mm hundred and twenty-three thousand dollars: Prgvgdg: ?1?l?a?;1oi? L?;;; repairs com-,8 than three thousand dollars shall be expended at any navy-yard in repair- 0%* $3.000 of e ing the hull and spars of an vessel until the d ' wml ,,,,,1,,y f m Y , necessny an expedxeney yard; 0 su repair, and the probable mst thereof, be ascertained and reported to the Navy Department by an examining board, to be composed of one captain, or commander in the navy, to be appointed by the Secretary of the Navy, the naval constructor of the yard where any vessel may be ordered for repairs, and two master workmen of such yard or one master workman and an engineer of the navy, accordirw to thénature of the repmrs to be made; said master workmen and engineer to be designated by the head of the Bureau of Construction and Repairs; and not more Jggging Om tnun one thousand dollars shall be expended in repairs on the sails and · · ofgany wgssel until the expediency and necessity of such repairs, e es xmate cost there0fQ have been ascertained and reported to the Navy Department by an examining board, to be composed of one n 1 officer, to be appointed by the Secretar of the N d h rigger, and master sailmaker of the yid where ZY1{1i1Tese1 m ; ;§ Examination Ofdmd- Pmvided, That the Secretary of the Nav cause a f ¥ gm:?:?;; amiuation to be made by naval officcrs, eugineemgend const;?:?):; 51:0 md custo? smug the O011d1H0n of the sailing vessels of the navy and the cost of them fm111am1m- them, Or any of them full steam ower to th h · g g P°"°’· making such chance; in v ew of the eosfio § y il i a I n egarzeter of such vessels so altered; and that thefgnyx 0; egg}? g1?::;?? O' 1 1 •

%; sg`; ggglsfecretary s vxews thereon,be commumcated to Oongresé