82 THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 181. 1860. Navy Yards. gv! y¤1$i¤- For the preservation of works, and for the current repairs at the w0,.;°,°gK‘lg;g_°f several navy yards, viz.: rant repairs. At Portsmouth, New Hampshire, ten thousand dollars. ' At Boston, nfteen thousand dollars. At New York, twenty thousand dollars. , At Philadelphia, fifteen thousand dollars. At Washington, ten thousand dollars; and for repairing and painting the quarters occupied by the officers of the yard, seven thousand nine hun. dred and twenty-six dollars. At Norfolk, twenty thousand dollars; to complete shiphouse, number forty-eight, nineteen thousand dollars; and for repairs of shiphouses A. and B, at Norfolk, thirty thousand dollars. At Pensacola, ten thousand dollars. At Mare Island, twenty thousand dollars. At Sackett’s Harbor, one thousand dollars. Hospitals. Hospitals. For the construction and completion of works, and for the current repairs of the several naval hospitals: gw0H_ Boston.-For repairs of hospital, two thousand five hundred dollars. New York. th New or repairs of hospital buildings and laboratory, seven ousan dollars. Naval Asylum, Nava1As_ylum, Philadeb2h·ia.—For im rov` t , sk -l` ht. Pl¤il¤·<i¢lPl1i¤·· mainbuilding, furniture, and repairs of slzimejlauiilehzng Zndgwliitgj washing, repairs to furnaces, grates, and ranges, gas and water rent, and for repairs of all kinds, five thousand one hundred and fifty dollars. Bcmneiuiss. dog; support of beneficiaries at the asylum, twenty-seven thousand N,,,.f,,u,_ Naqflollc.-—TFor porter’s lodge, replacing wooden galleries, and for repairs of hospital, eighteen thousand two hundred and seventy dollars. p,,,,,,,°,,],_ f’epsacola.—For draining and filling ponds, and for repairs of hospital buildings and dependencies, ten thousand five hundred dollars. Magazines. Magazines. For the construction and completion of works, and for the current repairs at the several naval magazines: Boston. B0st0n.——For repairs of all kinds, two thousand dollars. Philadelphia. Pfulatlclphia.—For repairs of all kinds, six hundred dollars. wm,h,g;0,,_ inc;l;;s£zzngt0n.—Fg;dthe renewlal of experimental battery with one part or casema ,to ar at 'd f chwacter, four thousand d51am gains acci ents rom guns of doubtful Norfolk. 0¢‘foZ]c.—For shot-beds and - kid iltti ’ ° gtmagazmie, ponverting coal-houiiiuzds Std,Hel;igauii1;>d;iih°rd;i1?ih0d;];(hI;ll6 ing rac s orarm d t s ‘ · °· · ’ ten thousand seven hillidlred dbllarzsiild for repairs of magazine bmldmgg Pensacola. an§€pp1$;o?:.v:l£)pL;epaim of old magazine, one thousand one hundred Civil establish- For pay of superintendents n l · · mm, at mw Hshmems at tké v al , ava constructors, and all the civil estab·
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