Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1139

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CONVENTION WITH PARAGUAY. FEBRUARY 4, 1859. 1087 Convention between the United States of America and the Republic of Paraguag, relating to Claims ry the “United States and Paraguay Navigation C’ompany." Uoncluoled at Asuncion, February 4, 1859. Ratified ln; the President of the United States, March 7, 1860. Ezclzangeol at Washington, March 7, 1860. Proclairned by President of the United States, Jlfarch 12, 1860. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: February 4, 1859. A PROCLAMATION. Wnmnmas a convention relating to the claims of the “United States Y¤'¤¤¥¤bl°· and Paraguay Navigation Company," against the Paraguayan Government, was concluded between the United States of America. and the Republic of Paraguay, and was signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at Asuncion on the fourth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, the original of which convention being in the English and Spanish languages is, word for word, as follows: Special convention between the Convencion especial entre la Re- Contracting United States of America and the publica del Paraguay y los Estados P“”i°s· Republic of Paraguay, relating to Unidos de America relativa a las the claims of the “United States reclamaciones de la “Compania de and Paraguayan Navigation Com- Navegacion de los Estados Unidos pany " against the Paraguayan gov- y del Paraguay," contra el Gobierno ernment. Paraguayo. His Excellency the President of Su Excelencia el Senor Presithe United States of America and dente de la Republica del Paraguay his Excellency the President of the y Su Excelencia el Senor Presi- Republic of Paraguay, desiring to dente de los Estados Unidos de remove every cause that might in- America, deseando remover toda terfere with the good understanding causa que pueda eomprometer la and harmony, for a time so unhap- buena. inteligencia y armonia, por un pily interrupted, between the two momento tan desgraciadamente innations, and now so happily restored, terrumpidas entre las dos Naciones, and which it is so much for their in- y ahora tan felizmente restablecidas, terest to maintain; and desiring thr y que tanto les interesa mantener, y this purpose to come to a definite deseando a este fin llegar a un arunderstanding, equally just and hon- reglo definitive igualmente justo y orable to both nations, as to the mode honorable para ambas naciones en 0f settling a pending question of the cuanto a la manera de concluir la said claims of the “United States cuestion pendiente de las referidas and Paraguay Navigation Oompa- reclamaciones contra el Gobierno del ny "—a company composed ot" citi· Paraguay de la “Compania de Navizens of the United States-against gacion de los Estados Unidos y del the government of Paraguay, have Paraguay," compafiia oompuesta de agreed to refer the same to a special ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos de and respectable commission, to be America, han convenido someter organized and regulated by the con- dicho arreglo a una Comision espevention hereby established between cial, respetable que sera orgauizada the two high contracting parties; y regida por la presente Convencion and for this purpose they have ap- entre las dos altas partes contratan-