CONVENTION WITH PARAGUAY. FEBRUARY 4, 1859. 1089 choice of an umpire, the diplomatic resentantes Diplomaticos de Russia P¤>Vi§i°¤ f°¥‘ representatives of Russia. and Prus- y Prusia acreditados cerca del Go- °°°°°p"°' sia, accredited to the Government bierno de los Estados Unidos de of the United States of America, at America en la Ciudad de Washingthe city of Washington, may select mn podran eligir a. tal tercero en such umpire. discordia. The two commissioners named in Los dos comisionados nombrados where to meet. the said manner shall meet in the en la forma referida se reuniran en city of Washington, to investigate, la Ciudad de Washington para inadjust, and determine the amount of vestigar, adjustar y determinar el the claims of the above-mentioned monto de las reclamaciones de la company, upon suiiticient proofs of mencionada Compaiia sobre pruethe charges and defences of the con- bas bastantes de los cargos y destending parties. cargos de las partes contenderas. ARTICLE ru. ABTICULO 111. The said commissioners, before Los dichos Comisionados, antes retake oath entering upon their duties, shall de entrar en sus funciones, presta— b°f°"° *°*·l”K· take an oath before some judge of ran juramento ante algun Juez de the United States of America that los Estados Unidos de America de they will fairly and impartially in- que investigaran leal é imparcial— vestigate the said claims, and a just mente las expresadas reclamaciones, decision thereupon render, to the y daran sobre ellas una decision jusbest of their judgment and ability. ta con su mejor juicio y habilidad. Arvrrcnn Iv. ARTICULO 1v. The said commissioners shall as- Los dichos Comisionados se re- when to meet semble, within one year after the uniran en la Ciudad de Washington Zggtazg lflgofj ratification of the " treaty of friend- dentro de un afio despues de la ra- sim, ship, commerce, and navigation " tification del “Tratado de Amistad, this day celebrated at the city of Comereio, yNavegacion," celebrado Assumption between the two high en esta fecha. en la Ciudad de la contracting parties, at the city of Asuncion entre las dos altas partas Washington in the United States of contratautes, y continuaran en se- America, and shall continue in ses- sion, por un periodo que no exceda sion for a period not exceeding three de tres meses, dentro del cual si falmonths, within which, if they come laren de acuerdo, su decision sera to an agreement, their decision shall proelamada, y en. caso de discordia be proclaimed; and in case of disa— se procedera al nombramiento de greement, they shall proceed to the un tercero, como queda convenido. appointment of an umpire as already agreed. ARTICLE v. ARTICUL0 v. The government of Paraguay El Gobierno del Paraguay por la aP”:r§°a5évE;rd hereby binds itself to pay to the presente se obliga a abonar al Go- gfgommyksionem government of the United States of bierno de los Estados Unidos de in favor of said America, in the city of Assumption, America en la Asuncion del Para- °°mP““Y‘ Paraguay, thirty days after presen- guay, dentro de treinta dias de pretation to the government of the re- sentarse al Gobierno de la Repubpublic, the draft which that of the lica la letra que el de los Estados United States of America shall issue Unidos de America llegue a girar for the amount for which the two sobre la suma que los Comisionados commissioners concurring, or by the de acuerdo, 6 por un tercero en disumpire, shall declare it responsible cordia, le declarasen responsable a to the said company. dicha Compania.
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