1092 thEATY WITH PARAGUAY. FEBRUARY 4, 1859. of State and Minister of Foreign Bowlin, Comisionado Especial del Relations of the Republic of Para- Exmo. Gobierno de los Estados guay ; who, after having communi- Unidos de America en la Asuncion; cated competent authorities, have Quienes, despues de habersc coagreed upon and concluded the fol- municado competentes autorizaciones lowing articles: ° han convenido y concluido lcs articulos siguientes: ARTICLE I. Amtrcnno 1. Amity. SW- There shall be perfect peace and Habra perfecta paz y sincera amissincere iriendship between the gov- tad entre el Gobierno de la Republica ernment of the United States of del Paraguayy el Gobierno de los America and the government of the Estados Unidos de America, y entre Republic of Paraguay, and between los ciudadanos de uno y otro Estado, the citizens of both States, and with- sin excepcion de personas ni de luout exception of persons or places. gares. Las altas partes contratantes The high contracting parties shall aplicaran toda su atencion para que use their best endeavors that this esta amistad y buena inteligencia. ' iiiendsbip and good understanding sean mantenidas oonstante y perpemay be constantly and perpetually tuamente. maintained. ARTICLE II. ARTICUTL0 II. _Free Naviga- The Republic of Paraguay, in the La Republica del Paraguay, en t‘°” °f lm Plz: exercise of the sovereign right which el ejercicio del derecho soberano que gy pertains to her, concedes to the mer- le pertenece, concede al Pabellon chant Hag of the citizens of the mercantil de los ciudadanos de los United States of America the free Estados Unidos de America la libre navigation of the river Paraguay as navegacion del Rio Paraguay, hasta far as the dominions of the empire los dominios del Imperio del Brazil; of Brazil, and of the right side of y la derecha del Parana en todo el the Parana throughout all its course curso que pertenece a la Republica, belonging to the Republic, subject to con sujecion a los reglamentos polipolice and fiscal regulations of the ciales y nscales del Gobierno Susupreme governmentof the Republic, premo de la Republica, conforms in conformity with its concessions to tiene concedido al comercio de las the commerce of friendly nations. naciones amigas. Pueden llegar y They shall be at liberty, with their salir, libre y segurameute, con sus _‘lf’rivi\¢z·;_¤t;¤ ships and cargoes, freely and se- buques y cargamentos a todos los {’§:f:Q°S;,m,*;¤ curely to come to and to leave all lugares y puertos que van espresa- Paraguay. the places and ports which are al- dos; permanecer y babitar en cna1- ready mentioned; to, remain and quier parte de dichos territories; reside in any part of the said terrl- alquilar casas y almacenes y traiicar tories; hire houses and warehouses, en toda clase de productos, manufacand trade in all kinds of produce, turas y mercancias de legitimo comsnufactures, and merchandise sf' mercio, sujetandose a los usos y coslawful commerce, subject to the tumbres establecidos en el pais. usages and established customs of Pueden dgsggrgap todo 6 pam, da the country. They may discharge sus cargamentos en los puertos del the whole or a part of their cargoes Pilar y adonde se pei-mita el comer- Sli UIC ports of Pilar, 8`Ild where cig gon gt]-gg ugcigngg, 6 Seguir cou commerce with other nations may be el todo 6 Pam 36 la mrga hasta 8] pGTIl]llZlZBd, 0I' with U18 Wl'l0lC puerto dg 13 ASunci0D’ Seguu 61 °¥‘ Pan of their •¤¤`$0 to the P0¤‘¢ of capitan, dueiio ii otra persona debi- Acsumphou, 8OC01‘(ling 8S iSl1B 08p- dgmgntg autgrizgdg, juzggrg gg1p tain, owner, or other duly authorized vgpjgutg, person shall deem expedient.
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