TREATY WITH THE SWAN CREEK, 8:0. INDIANS. JULY 16, 1859. 1107 shall not be alienated in fee, leased, or otherwise disposed of; except to the United States, or to the members of said bands of Indians, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior; and said lands shall be exempt from taxation, levy, sale, or for· feiture, until otherwise provided for by Congress. Prior to the issue of said certificates, the Secretary of the Interior shall make such rules and regulations as he may deem necessary and expedient, respecting the disposition of any of said tracts in case of the death of the person or peiscns to whom they may be assigned, so that the same shall be secured to the families of such deceased persons; and should any of the Indians to whom tracts shall be assigned abandon them, the said Secretary may take such action in relation to the proper disposition thereof as in his judgment may be necessary and expedient. Amxcnm II. After all the selections and assignments hereinbefore Residue afland specified shall have been made and approved, the residue of the land in *° N wldthe tract set apart for the use of the Swan Creek and Black River Chippewas, under the provisions of the fourth article of the treaty of May 9th, VoI.vii.p.106. eighteen hundred and thirty-six, which may not be embraced by the exterior boundary of the reduced reservation, shall be appraised at a reasonable value, and the same shall be sold at public auction no the highest bidder, but no bid shall be received fora sum less than the appraised value, and the proceeds of sale, after deducting therefrom the expenses incident thereto, shall be regarded as belonging to the aforesaid band of Chippewas. The said band of Indians shall be allowed the sum of three thou- Allowanoo or sand dollars out of the funds of"tl1c Christian Indians, as a consideration ;’°°;_‘;Y*£‘°" *° for the tracts of land which shall be assigned to the members of said band sc of Indians, and also the sum of six thousand dollars, (to be taken from the Treasury of the United States,) in full satisfaction of all claims and demands, legal, equitable, or otherwise, which the aforesaid band of Chip4 pewas may have against the United States under the stipulations and provisions of former treaties, and these sums of money, together with the proceeds of the sales of the lands before mentioned, shall be invested in the manner hereinafter provided. And to enable the Secretary of the Interior to liquidate the allowance of the aforesaid sum of six thousand dollars, he is authorized, at his discretion, to dispose of the stock of the State of Missouri, purchased from avails of land sold under the treaty of eighteen hundred and thirty-six, and such a sum from interest accruing thereon, and of any balance of annuities now in the treasury of the United States, resulting from other treaties with said Indians. Arvrxcmc III. For the purpose of comfortably establishing the Chris- Appropriation tiau Indians upon the lands which shall be assigned to them in scvemlty, €‘:_:{“;u°;·l:§ig“é' by building them houses, and furnishing them with agricultural imple· gm ’ ments, stock anime-ls, and other necessary aid and facilities for commencing agricultural pursuits under favorable circumstances, there shall be expended, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, (out of the aggregate sum of forty-three thousand four hundred dollars deposited in the Treasury of the United States by A. J. Isacks, to the credit of said Secretary for the use of the Christian Indians,) a sum not exceeding twenty-tlnree thousand dollars, and the balance of the aforesaid aggregate sum shall be mingled with the funds of the aforesaid band of Chippewas, and the moneys so mingled together shall constitute a joint fund, subject to the direction and control of the Secretary of the Interior. Two thousand dollars thereof shall be expended for the benefit of said united bands of Indians, in providing them with a sclwol-house, church building, and blacksmith School-hmm shop, and necessary fixtures, and the residue of said joint fund, after wd ’h°P’· deducting therefrom all the expenses incident to the negotiation of this treaty, the survey and assignment of the lands, the concentration of the Indians thereon, and all other necessary expenses, shall be invested in safe and profitable stocks, yielding` an interest of not less than Eve per centum v01.. x11. '.[`ms.u·. - 142
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