1120 POSTAL CONVENTION WITH BELGIUM. DECEKBER 21, 1859. and their Territories, or from the United States and their Territories to Belgium, must_0¤ each side be prepaid to their destination. Newspapers and articles of printed matter, which are not prepaid, cannot be for warded. Po@ on ARTICLE XIV. The price of prepayment of newspapers, gazctles, and ¤°'”P°P°¤·&°· periodical works, shall be levied an the rate of twenty-five cenumes m Belgium, or of five cents in the United States, for each package the weight of which shall not exceed ninety grammes ( three oupees). Packages weighing more than ninety grammes shall pay an addmonal rate for each ninety gmmmes or fraction of ninety grammes. The prnce of pnepayment of stitched or bound books, of pamphlets, of papers of mnsxc, of catalogues, of prospectuses, of advertisements and of notxces of venous kinds, printed, engraved, lithographed, or autographed, shallrbc levied at the rate of twenty-five ccntimes in Belgium, or of five cents m the United States, per thirty grammes, (one ounce,) or fraction of thirt_)j_gmmmes. Howmbe The proceeds of the above-mentioned rates shall be divided between divided. the offices of the two countries, in the proportion of three—fifths, or three cents, to the profit of the Post Ofllce of Belgium, including two cents for expenses of transit through England and across the British channel, and of two·5fths, or two cents, to the profit of the United States Office, including one cent for expenses of transportation across the Atlantic ocean. Notwithstanding this latter clause, and until a contrary decision is taken by common agreement between the Post OiHces of Belgium and of the United States, the division of the product of the postage on articles of printed matter other than newspapers and periodical works, shall take plane in the proportions hereinafier indicated, for such of those articles us shall be contained in the mails transported by the British packets, viz : A. Four-fifths, or ibur cents, to the profit of the Belgian Post OfHcc, including three cents for expenses of transportation over the British territory, in the British channel, and across the Atlantic ocean. B. One-fifth, or one cent, to the profit of the United States Post Ofllce for the expenses of transportation over the territory of the United States. Newspapers and printed matter of every sort sent agreeably to the above mentioned conditions shall be subject to the respective laws and regulations of each country. Those which shall contain characters of any kind traced by the hand shall be subject to the postage of an ordinary letter of the same weight. They shall be sent under a wrapper open at the two sides, and in such :1 manner that each newspaper, or article of printed matter, may always be separated from its wrapper. Letter-billto ARTICLE XV. Each of the mails despatched between the exchange
- ]°;$“P““y °“°h offices of the respective Post Oiilccs shall be accompanied by :1 letter bill
Form and m whxch these oillces shall state, with the classification established by the comms_ present convention, the number, the weight, or the postage of the articles which the despatch may contain; and the receiving exchange office shall return by next post un acknowledgment of the receipt thereof. The letter Iliillsimd aclcnoxvledgments shall be according to the forms annexed mar ed and . When blank ARTICLE XVI. If there should be no letters or other mail matter to
- °““`*°b° Sem- send at the usual period of making up said closed mails from either of
the otllces of exchange, a blank letter bill showing that fact shall nevertheless be sent to the corresponding oiilce. Letter-bills Sm. ARTICLE XVII. The letter bills and acknowledgments shall serve V>S°"·'¤ 85 for vouchers in the quarterly settlement of the accounts; and in case vouchers. . _ of dlH`€1‘8DC8 between these documents, the amount stated m the ackupwlcdgmeut shall be received in preference to that stated in the letter bill. Accounts, ARTICLE XVIII. The accounts between the two Departments shall be wlaandiiv be closed at the expiration of each quarter of the calendar year by q_uartex·ly BB e * The forms referred to in the text as annexed marked A, B, C, D, E, & F, are not printed herewigh, because they are of no general service, being merely for tha use of the respecuve post·0fHces.