Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1178

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1126 CONVENTION WITH SWEDEN AND NORWAY. MARCH 21, 1860. party shall have furnished such proof of culpability as would have been sufficient. to justify the apprehension land commitment for trial of the accused if thefoffence had been committed in the country where he shall have taken re nge. Crimea Aarxcrn II. Persons shall be so delivered up who shall have been charged with or sentenced for any of the following crimes, to wit: Mur der, (including assassination, parricide, infanticide, and poisoning,) or attempt to commit murder; rape; piracy, (including mutiny on board a ship, whenever the crew or part thereof; by fraud or violence against the commander, have taken pofssession of the velssel ;) sftrson ; ipbbery and b rglar ; forver and the abrication or circu ation o counte ent money, wlhethexi coin {dr giper money ; embezzlement by public officers, including appropriation of public funds. Etgggqsw of Amxcnn III. The expenses of any detention and delivery, effected in gba b;`,;: h°`" virtue of the preceding provisions, shall be borne and defrayed by the party who makes the requisition and receives the fugitive. _ This c<mvcu— ARTICLE IV. Neither of the contracting parties shall be bound to g°g,“,°t m03Q5E deliver up, under the stipulations of this convention, any person who, jects, ssc. according to the laws of the country where he shall be found, is a citizen or a subject of the same at the time his surrender is demanded. N¤¤‘V>P¢>W¤¤l Anrrcnn V. The provisions of the present convention shall not be °H°°°°S' applied to any crime or offence of a politiuzl character. Provision in Anrrcnn VI. Whenever any person, accused of any of the crimes c°*d";°gf Ezmib enumerated in this convention, shall have committed a new crime in the gw_ territories of the State where he has sou¤ht an asylum or shall be found WL such person shall not be delivered up under the stipulations of this con: vention until he shall have been tried, and shall have received the punishment due to such new crime, or shall have been acquitted thereof W]=¤¤g¤;¤ M3- Anrxcnn VII. This convention shall not take effect until ten days after

_u°° °°its publication, made according to the laws of the respective governments.

Hcwiongtobs It shall remain in force until the end of six months after either of the in *`°'°°· high contracting parties shall have given notice to the other of its inten- I tion to terminate the same. · · _To be ratified It shall be ratified by the President of the United States, by and with

‘°t;“u‘;I_““ thesadvice and o§nsent of the Senate thereof; and by his Majesty the King

0 weden and orway, and the ratifications shall be exchanged within ten months from the date of its signature, or earlier if possible. In faith whereof; the respective plenipotentiaries have signed this convention, and have hereunto affixed their seals. Signature, Done in duplicate, at Washington, the twenty-first day of March, one mm mr 1860- thouisand eiglglhtipdredl gid sixty, and the eighty-fourth year of the Indepen ence o e United States. LEWIS CASS. [sen.] N. W. DE WETTERSTEDT. [seat,.] Rmemgom, And whereas the said convention has been duly ratified on both parts,

=;;iL§;%%d,mg)e and the respective ratifications of the same were exchanged in the city of

’ ‘ Washington on the twentieth instant, by J. S. Black, Secretary of State of the United States, and Baron N. W. de Wetterstedt, Minister Resident of his Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway in the United States, on the part of their respective governments. p,.,,,,1,,,,,ed’ Now, therefore, be it known, that I, JAMES BUCHANAN, Presi- Dce21, 1860· dent of the United States of America, have caused the said convention to be made public, to the end that the same, and every clause and article thepeph may he observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States an the citizens thereofl In witness whereof; I have hereunto set my band and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.