1146 TREATY WITH VENEZUELA. AUGUST 27, 1860. shall be protected from violation or disturbance. ARTICLE V. ARTICULO V. Rightmdis- The citizens of each of the high Los ciudadanos de cada una de l>°$° °*` P°”°¤“l contracting parties, within the juris- las altas partes contratantes, dentro Pr°p°"y' diction of the other, shall have power de la jurisdiccion de la otra, tendran to dispose of their personal property poder para disponer de sus bienes by sale, donation, testament, or other- muebles por venta,donac1on, testawise; and their personal representa- mento, 6 de otro modo;_y sus repretives, being citizens of the other con- sentantes personales, sicndo ciuda- Right, of wc. tracting patty, shall succeed to their dancs de la otra parte contratnnte, w¤¤i¤¤· personal property, whether by testa- sucederan en sus bienes rnuebles, ment or ab intestate. They may ya sea. por testamento 6 ab mtestqto. take possession thereof, either by Podran tomar posesxon de ellos, bien themselves, or by others acting for sea por si mismos, o por otros que them, at their pleasure, and dispose hagau sus vcces, segnn su voluntad, of the same, paying such duty only y disponer de los mismos, pagando as the citizens of the country where- solo aquellos derechos que estuvieren in the said personal property is situ- sujetos a pagar enliguales casos los ated, shall be subject to pay, in like ciudadanos del pais en donde estucases. In the absence of a personal vieren situados los diehos bienes representative, the same care shall muebles. A falta de representante be taken of the property as by law personal se cuidara de los bienes would be taken of the property of a del mismo modo que se cuidaria con native in a. similar case, whilst the arreglo a las leyes de los bienes lawful owner may take measures for de un natural en caso semejante, securing- it. If a question should mientras el legntimo duefio téme arise among claimants as to the providencias para asegurarlos. Si rightful ownership of the property, se suscitare cuestion entre los rethe same shall be [finally] decided clamantes sobre la legitima proby the judicial tribunals of the coun- · piedad de los lgeneish aquella sera in which itis situated. l elinitivamente eci i a por os triuy bunales de justicia del pais donde se i hallaren estos situados. Realestate. When on the decease of any per-] Cuzmdo al morir alguna persona son holding real estate within the 5 que tenga. bienes raices, dentro del territory of one party, such real es- i territorio de una parte, ellos pasatate would by the law of the land rian segun el derecho de Ia tierra, é descend on a citizen of the other un ciudadano de la otra, si no lo inwere he not disqualified by alien- a habilitara su calidad de extrangero, age, the longest term which the i se le concederzi el mayor plazo que laws of the country in which it is 1 permitan las leyes del pais donde situated will permit, shall be ac-qestuvieren situados, para disponer corded to him to dispose of the de ellos, y no sera sometido, cuando same; nor shall he be subjected, lo haga, zi otros ni mas altos derein doing so, to higher or otherl chos, que los que deberia pagar, si dues, than if he were a citizen of ifuera ciudaduuo del pais en que the country wherein such real es- tales bienes raices esten situados. tate is situated. ARTICLE v1. ABTICUL0 V1. dJu{¤g><>rf¤ ¤¤d The high contracting parties here- Las altas partes contratantes con- ' by agree that whatever kind of pro- vienen en que cualquiera clase de duce, manufactures, or merchandise productos, manufactures, 6 mercanof any foreign country can be, from I cias de cualquier pais estrangero time to time, lawfully imported into que puedan ser,en cualquicr tiempo
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