Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/120

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90 THIRTY—SIXTI·I CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 201, 202, 203. 1860. pleting and furnishing the said building purchased of thelsaid Bank of Pennsylvania, and to adapt it to the use ofa. post-ofiice. at Phiiadelplua, shall be applied in carrying out the provisions of the fourth section of the sand act of March third, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, m the fo1loyving·manp,,,.,,h,_,,° of ner, viz.: Erst,for the purchase of the lots mentioned and described in the Bane? Md LW? said fourth section as the Bailey and Levy lots, at prices not exceeding

‘;tl_f;°°£‘Q£1°§}" Osh the sums in the said fourth section mentioned, and then for the construeo&ee memog. tion of a building on the said lots suitable for a post-office and courtprovim house
Provided, That the said property purchased from the Bank of

Pennsylvania be sold at a price not less than one hundred and ten thousand dollars. APPROVED, June 23, 1860. June 28, 1860. Can. CCI.—An Act authorizing thejjsge cy; zz Register for the Brig “Chanes H "`_"""'j" GTI. Be it enacted by the Senate and Bhuse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Register to is, Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to issue a register for brig we w brgg “Charles H. Jordan " of Boston: Provided, that it shall be proved to the g;‘:"1°° ‘J°"` satisfaction of said Secretary that said brig was found derelict on the high Proviso. seas, without a name, and subsequently sold by order of the United States district court for Massachusetts, and purchased by Charles W. Adams, of Boston, Massachusetts. Armovmv, June 23, 1860. ·Y¤¤¤ 23, 1860- Can. CCII.··-An Ac! to authorize 2}; Location of certain Warrants jbr Bounty Lands etqfvre issued. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Certain land States of America in Uongress assembled, That warrants for bounty "““`*‘“” *°b° l°‘ lands heretofore issued under the authorit of the act entitled “An ct t cated, and loca- . . . . y . . . 0 ,,0,,, ,,0,,5,,,-M_ provide for satisfying claims for bounty lands for military services m the 1g4g1m 6g_ late war with Great Britain, and for other purp0ses," approved the twen- Vo1. v. p. 497. ty-seventh day of July, in the year eighteen hundred and forty-two, and of the several acts reviving the same, approved the twenty-sixth day of 18*% °h· 74- June, in the ear eighteen hundred and fort -eight and the eighth da of Vol. IX. p. 240. . y g . Y S g Y 185,,, 0h_ l0_ February, in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-four, may be located, in Vo1. x. ¤. 267. conformity with the general laws in force at any time within three years from the date of this act; and that all entries and locations made with such warrants since the twenty-sixth day of June, in the year eighteen hugdxed anddhétyiexghtghshall be af valid and effectual as if the several ac a oresax a not en expire . Armzoven, June 23, 1860. June 23, 1860- Gun. CCIII.-—An Act to authorize the Reissue ofLand Warrants in certain Cases, and for other Purposes. S Be it enacted ky the Senate and House of Representatives of the United tales of America in Congress assembled, That whenever it shall appear &[q,mdwm-,,,,;, that any certificate or warrant, issued in pursuance of any law of the wg;_l]:J€s;,:;»gB gmted Stlateis granting bounty iand, has been lost or destroyed, whether issued_ e same a been sold and assigned by the warrantee or not, the Secretary of the Interior shall be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to Naw mmm, cause anew ceruficate or warrant of like tenor to be issued in lieu thereggy be located, ggé vghéch ne}; certificate or wgarrant may be assigned, located, and - n e m 1 e manner .as other certificates or warrants for bounty lariidtareliiow authorized by law to be assigned, located, and patented; an in a cases where warrants have been, or may be, reissued, the orig-