Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1232

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1180 TREATY WITH THE DELAWARES. JULY 2, 1861. _ .é· s _ 2 _ ‘ DBSOH2t10K. i 5 'E gi, é nzscnirrrox. g E E, é · 2 s E s 2 ij_ s s__ 1*-1 Section . I 11 12 20 E. Irtiili East half ... 19 12 20E. 6th Section . 12 12 20 E. 6th Section . 21 12 20 E. 6th Section . ... 14 12 20 E. 6th North half .. 29 [ 12* 20 E. Gth East half 15 12 20 E. Gth S. E. quarter 21 l 12 20 E. { 6th East half.. .. 18 12 20 E. 6th Section . i 16 i 12 20 E. 6th 1563 sections, or 100,000 acres. When United And immediately on such failure, the United States may take posses- Scltggsggy t°k° sion of and sell said lands for the exclusive benefit of said Delaware ` Indians. And in case said company shall forfeit the one hundred thousand (100,000) acres above described, it shall thereupon also forfeit all its right and title to all the lands purchased by it from said Indians, not earned and patented at the date of such forfeiture. u€°mP'*“Y °uti’ And said company further agree that, on the completion of the first ° t° pawn` section of said road, it shall only be entitled to a patent for one half of the lands not pledged for the payment of said bonds; and on the completion of said second section it shall have a patent for only the remaining half ; and that no patent shall issue to it for any of the lands so pledged, until after said bonds and the interest warrants attached shall all and every part of them have been fully and promptly paid and cancelled. In witness whereof, the said Leavenworth, Pawnee, and Western Railroad Company, by Thomas Ewing, Jr., their agent aforesaid, have executed this instrument and attached thereto the seal of said company, this 2d day ofr]J}plyi18b1. W · [SEAL.] e eayenworth, Pawnee, and estern Railroad Company, by their agent, THOMAS EWIN G, Jr. Acknowiedg· State of Kansas, Leavenworth county, ss. mnt On this second day of July, A. D. 1861, before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the county aforesaid, in the State aforesaid, personally came Thomas Ewing, Jr., agent of the Leavenworth, Pawnee, and Western Railroad Company, to me personally known to be the identical person who signed the foregoing instrument of writing, and whose name is thereto atlixed as grantor, and he acknowledged the same to be his ovvpn voluntary act and deed. itness m hand and notarial seal this 2d da. of Jul [SE“··] A. D. iden.y y’ W. S. VAN DOREN, Mztary Public, Leavenworth county, Kansas. Authority of At a called meeting of the Board of Directors of the Leavenworth, exept of f¤=¤d_*<> Pawnee, and Western Railroad Company, on Monday, July lst, 1861, at gte? °°"v°y the office of A. J. Isacks, in Leavenworth city, Kansas, was present, Jas. C. Stone, Amos Rees, Thomas Ewing, Jr., and Thomas S. Gladding. Resolved, That Thomas Ewing, Jr., be authorized and directed, as agent of the company, to make, execute, and deliver to Archibald Williams, as agent of the United States, the bonds and interest warrants of the company for $286,742-,105,,, payable in ten years from their date, with 6 per cent. interest, payable annually, payable to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, or bearer, at the office of the Assistant Treasurer of the United States in the city of New York; and also to make and execute