THIR'I‘Y—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 205. 1860. 95 For compensation of the Third Auditor, and the clerks, messenger, $8* A¤dl¤¤"¤ assistant messenger, and laborers in his office, one hundred and thirty-two ° °°' thousand six hundred and forty dollars. And that the twenty-nine clerks, Clazkp. now transferred by the Secretary of the Treasury fiom the Third Audi— tor’s Office to othtr bureaus of the Treasury Department, shall be permanently transferred to those 0iHces, and taken from that of the Third Auditor; but nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to take I’l'¤Vi=0· from the several heads of Departments the power to transfer clerks temporarily from one office or bureau to another. For compensation of the Fourth Auditor, and the clerks, messenger, 4th A¤¢li¢¤r’¤ and assistant messenger in his office, twenty-six thousand eight hundred °m°°' and four dollars and scve¤ty-two cents. For compensation of the Fifth Audit:o1·,.aud the clerks, messenger, and sth Auditovs laborer in his ofilce, seventeen thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. °m°°· For compensation of the Auditor of the Treasury for the Post-OHM 05% ¤fA¤di· Department, and the clerks, messenger, assistant messenger, and laborers O' D°' in his office, one hundred and seventy-two thousand three hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the Treasurer of the United States, and the clerks, Tr¤¤¤¤r¤r'¤ messenger, assistant messenger, and laborers in his office, twenty-seven °m°°' thousand three hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the Register of the Treasury, and the clerks, mes- B¤A'i¤l>¤¤"¤ senger, assistant messenger, and laborers in his office, iifly-one thousand °m°°' nine hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of .the Solicitor of the Treasury, and the clerks and $¤Ii¤if¤1"¤ messenger in his office, seventeen thousand one hundred and forty dollars. °m°°' For compensation of the Commissioner of Customs, and the clerks, pificoot'Commessenger, and laborer in his office, twenty thousand four hundred and g;f:°”°’ °f O"' forty dollars. ’ For compensation of the clerks, messenger, and laborer of the Ligl1t— h°m°§8h* house Board, nine thousand two hundred and forty dollars. °°°° ' Contingent Expenses of the Treusuwy Department. c°¤*i¤8¤¤°i¤•- In the office of the Secretary of the Treasury : Socrstm·y’s For copying, blank-books, stationery, binding, sealing ships’ registers, °m°°‘ translating foreign languages, advertising, and extra clerk hire for prepar- Erm <=i¤1‘¥¤~ ing and collecting information to be laid before Congress-said clerks to be employed only during the session of Congress, or when iudispensably necessary to enable the department to answer some call made by either house of Congress at one session to be answered at another; and no such extra clerk shall receive more than three dollars and thirty-three and one PW- third cents pcr day for the time actually and necessarily employed--and for miscellaneous items, twelve thousand dollars. In the office of the First Comptroller: m Gomptmuevr For furniture, bla.nk·books, binding stationery, public documents, State °m°°‘ and Territorial Statutes, and miscellaneous items, one thousand eight hundred dollars. In the 05E0e of the Second Comptroller:2d compuvueva For bla.nk—books, binding, stationery, pay for the National Intelligencer °m°‘°" and Constitution, to be Hled and preserved for the use of the office, office furniture, and miscellaneous items, one thousand two hundred dollars. In the 05ce of the First Auditor: M A¤di¤¤r’¤ For blank-books, binding, stationery, office furniture, and miscellaneous °m°°‘ items, including subscription for the Constitution and National Intelligencer, to be filed for the use of the office, one thousand ive hundred dollars. In the office of the Second Auditor: 2d Audiwes For blauk·b0oks, binding, stationery, office furniture, and miscellaneous °$°°· items, including two of the daily city newspapers, to be filed, bound, and preserved for the use of the officc, one thousand two hundred dollars.
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