Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1339

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INDEX. 1287 _ mu: BMS, <¤¤¤2t¤¤¤·;<i-) _ _ Bounty, in-memos.) "`“ penalties for counterfeiting, altering, to volunteers, appropriation for, ... 508 &c,,. .· .. , . .4 ,.. 713 part of} may be paid on enlistment 509 restriction of negotiation of bonds to to volunteers for nine months 598 marlretwalue repealed, ., 2 . . 711 to volunteers for twelve months, .. 598 of United_States, deposited by banking for vessels destroyed, to be divided as associations as security for circulating prize money, ...,.. 606 notes, provisions concerning,. . . . 669, 682 to volunteers, or those drafted, for Dine meaning of the term “United States months or less, who enlist for one bonds " in the banking act,. , 666 year in regiment from same state, 748, 744 See Banking Associations. persons discharged within two years of Books, Qc, enlistment, by reason of wounds, &c., postage upon, 705-707 to be entitled to, ... 768 Books, oounol or unbound, no duty on papers relating to, . 721 weighing not over four pounds to be for reénlistment, to volunteers now in mailsble matter, and postage thereon, 169 the service, ... 734 duty on, (see Tartf) ,. ... 194 Bounty Land Warrants, Book Manuscripts, _ certain land warrants issued for milibetween authors and publishers to have tary services in the war with Great same postage as printed matter, . 705 Britain, may be located, 90 Books of Tactics and Instruction, confirmation of former entries and for volunteers, appropriations for, 261, 505, locations, ... . ... . . 90 _ _ 750 upon proof of loss or destruction oi new Books of Subscription, warrant may issue, ... 90, 91 to national loan, may be opened, .. 259 new warrant may be assigned, lo Bonne, Szeur de,_ cated, &c., .. 90, 91 representatives oi may bring suits to when new warrant issues, original recover certain land in Michigan,.. . . 838 warrant to be void, .. . . .. 90, 91 proceedings in said suit,. . 838, 839 assignment of original warrant to Boonevil/e, Missouri, be deemed fraudulent, .. 91 register and receiver for consolidated patent not to issue, unless such preland district at, to have additional sumption is removed by proof] fees, .. 131 &c., .. 91 allowance for office-rent and clerk—hire, 131 Secretary of Interior to make rules employment of clerk to be first au· to prevent imposition and fraud thorized, 131 under this act, .,. . 91 Botanic Garden, penalties for perjuries and frauds to appropriations for, .. 109, 218, 350, 747 apply to acts done under this act, 91 Boundaries, Bowhay, Wlilléom P., authentic copies of settlement ot, of cer- allowance to, for injuries received in the tain states, appropriation for trans- service of the United States, ... . 844 mitting to such states, . 171 Bowling Soloons, of Kansas and the several territories. licenses to, in District of Columbia how See t/lose titles. granted, . ,» ... . . . . . 29 Boundary, Bowman, Angelina CC, between United States and British pos- pension to, , . ,... 838 sessions, appropriation for commis- Boxes, sion to run and mark, 20, 21 for delivery of letters at outside stations Boundary Line, in suburbs of cities, may be estabbetween Califomia and territories of the lished,. ... 38 United States, how to be run, ... 22 net revenue, how applied, . ... 38 eastern, of California, survey oi} .. 110 Box-rent, between Oregon and Washington, in at postoffices, to be prepaid, .. 702 part, .. , ., 110 Brayq, Braxton, Bounty. See Allowance, Pensions. land claim oi in Louisiana, confirmed, . 845 those enlisting in regular army after Branch Mint, _ July 1, 1861, to have same as vol- at Denver, Colorado Territory, act to unteers, .. 281 establish for coinage of gold, 382 on enlistments, in certain cases abol~ superintendent, assayer, melter and reished, 288 finer, and coiner, to be appointed, 382 who may have, &c., .. 566·5B9 their pay, oath, and bond, . . I . 382 appropriation to pay to widows, &c. oi] superintendent to perform duties of volunteers who die in the service,. . . 535 treasurer, . . 383 in what order bounty shall be paid, 535 may employ clerks, laborers, &c,,. . 382 widow, children, father, mother, &c., 535 to be under control of director of mint, 382 additional clerks in pension-office, . 535 director to prescribe rules, &c., ..., 382 under act authorizing volunteers, to ap- to be place of deposit for public moneys, 383 ply equally to those enlisted in the ceruficatcs of deposit, &c:, may be issued regular service, ... 535 in payment for deposits for coinage, 0 to officers and men in the department &c.,. . ., .. _ .. . . I . . . . 38o of the West, or of Missouri, 374 laws regulating mint, applicable to and to their heirs, .. . 37% branch,, . . . r I .. . . . 383 appropriation therefor, ,.. 38o appropriation for this act, 383