Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1341

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INDEX. 1289 _ vs , n Brooklyn, Uzty ¢f Gl Bwykcr-proof Vaults, A to pay one half of expense of sewer on gppmprigjjou for, in Oggce of assismnt Flushing Avenue,. . 219 {num-H- in New York _ ______ _ 584 Brooks, Charles W., Burke, Martin i · l I · invalid pension to, 852 credit to, be given to in account for Brett, George F., mone lost, . . 852 may enter certain lands in Minnesota,. . 843 Burlington, gmc, l patent to issue therefor, ...,. 843 marine hos °tal at, may be leased, . 852 Brownsville, or used? or closed, . .. 852 Texas, created 0. port of entry for Brazos Butler Q- C'ary.>enter, de Santiago collection district, ... 39 allowance to, for engraving revenue cuzfom-house and collector’s office stamps, ,.. 752 iere, . 39 But/er, Jo/m M., trransshipment of imported goods at mileage and salary of} . ... 368 ldmzos harbor,. .. 39, 40 Butler, Joseph, Bmnswzck Dzsmct, assi nment of land to children of, 1113 port of entry to be at Brunswick,. . 432 Butterfiegl Route, The, port of entry at Darien abolished, . 432 rovisions concerning, ... 169, 205 deputy collector at Darien, ... 432 Bydgzws, _ Brush, 1). H., of cities of Washington and Georgetown title to saline lands in Illinois, confirmed to be enforced by police, __,,,___,_, , 324 to,. .. . 891 Byrne, Louisa Albert, Bryant, William, widow of Bernard M. Byrne, pension arrears of compensation to be paid to to, during widowhood, . 908 legal representatives ot, .. . . . 850 Buildings, C_ Bmhpowexipf police over unsafe, ... 579 O d < » ' ings, zcecutive, a ets, at West Point,) appropriations for the purposes ot] 94, 96, reported dencient, and recommended to 99, 100, 186, 138, 140, 141, 278, 358, 360, be discharged, not to be reappointed _ 868, 864, 684, 685, 687, 690, 691 until, Guo., unless, &c., . . . 288 Bullwn, all to take oath of allegiance, .. 288 appropriation for transportation of, 141, 364é fplrm of oath, ... ... . 288 69 ose re usin to ta e oat to be islimit to amount of refining ol, at the missed theiervice 288 mint in certain cases, .. 144 See Cadets. contracts for purchase ot, &c.,., 719, 720 “Cairo," The, See Internal Revenue. allowance to petty officers and crew of Buoys. See Light-houses, ... . . . 61 the, for loss of clothing,.. ... 824 Bureau of Currency. See Banking Associations. Cabpooias, established,. . 665 appropriations for the, 56, 282, 622, 523, 528. Bureau of Exports, 785 in New York, to have charge of draw- Calybmia, backs under internal revenue act, 780 commission authorized run boundary power olfd bureau of head of bureau, 730 gne betwgen territories of United 22 Bureau 0 M icine an ur , takes, an , ... assi{ant surgeon mayghce?/assigned 1:0,... 587 commissioners, how appointed, pay, 22 Bureaus in the Navv D rtment, c., .. . , . . ., ... appropriations/foi€iIfL$;9, 100, 140, 141, 868, 815 concerning private land claims in, .. 33 accounts to show disbursements of each notice of survep and approval of bureau for contingent expenses,. ..81, 148 plat to be pub ished, _ ... ,. 88 estimates for such purposes to be made 81 sugvey and plat to be retained until, 33 hereafter in detail, . ·c., .. . . accounts oi] in relation to appropriations district court may order survey to be refor contingencies, how to be kept, 266, 268 turned into court, .. 33 in the Navy Department, heads of, may surveyor-general to obey auch orbe taken from captains or command- 285 der, 33 ers, . . . upon w o. app ca on o er established in the navy department, . .. . granted,.. .: . 33 of ards and docks, .. parties c aiming un yequipment and recruiting . 510 States, how to intervene,. .. 33 navigation, . . .. . teinnony, when to be uken angg R4 nance, ... ow, ... . , . goudstruction and repair, .. 510 court to decide upon the proof, 34 steam engineering, ... 510 surveyor-general to make survey to conprovisions and clothing, .. 510 form to decree of court,. ,.. 34 medicine and surgery, . . . . 510 appeal from decree of conrt, how made, 34 omcers, clerks, salaries, &»c., . 510, 511 when surveyor-general is to send plat chiefs to have franking privilege, .. 512 or survey 'to general land-ofllce and 34 to furnish estimates of expenses to navy 512 Hpaiterrct potisgiéeéalwéi .. 34 de artment ... e ec o p a n ,: . See glavy De;>am»emt, and Wiles of the former surveys and locations made sub- 34 several Bureaus. ject to this u-ct, . . . . . . . . .. . .