1308 INDEX. nan "·*°' Corporations, Costa Rica, (continued.) _ internal duties on, &c., how assessed and Costa Rica released from claims re- 9 collected, . . ...l... 487 jected by, _. 20o for religious and charitable purposes, provision for cases pending oefore not to hold more than $50,000 of real umpire at the termination of, 203 estate, 501 umpire to decide in sixty days, 204 vested rights saved, .. 601 pay of commissioners, 204 in Nevada Territory, may sue, &c., 709 convention, how and when approved,. . 204 Corps of Engineers, signature, ratification, &c., 205 act to promote the efficiency of, 743 C0sl¢m’s Night-Szgnals, topographical engineers merged in, . 743 appropriation to pay for use and manuorganization of corps, officers,. , . . 743 iacture of, .. . .. 315, 316 how to be selected, .. . 743 Costs, _ _ officers in, below rank of field officer, not of trials before certain ministers and to be promoted to higher grade, ex- consuls abroad,.. .. 13, 75, 76 cept atter examination, . 743 in prize cases, provisions concerning, 374, failing in examination, to be sus~ .375, 608, 627 pended from promotion for one fees and expenses of sales of prize propyear, . ... . 743 erty, how to be pwd, ... 759 upon second failure, to be dropped See Prize Cases. from a1-my,.. .. 743 Cotton, Gxrpus Christi, tax on, &c., . 465, 466 office of surveyor of customs at,abo1ished, 43 tariif on, 551, 553 deputy collectorship established, ... 43 imported from certain places, exempt pav of deputy collector, .., 43 from additional duty, .. 742 (beta Rica, appropriation for investigations to test act to carry into effect the convention Hax and hemp as substitutes for, . 691 between the United States and, 145 See Duties on Imports. commissioner to be appointed by the Colton Seed, United States, . 146 appropriation to purchase for distribuduties, pay, &c., of, . .. 146 tion, .. 338 regulations to be made for commission, 146 where to be purchased, ... 338 proper papers to be sent to commis- Counsel, sion, .. .. . . ..., 146 to captors in prize cases, pay of, ... 760 papers, &c., to be deposited in State De- authority of Secretary of Navy to empartment,. . 146 Zploy, repealed, . . ... . ... 760 testimony of unwilling witnesses, how Counse Fees, taken, . ... .. . . 146 in prize cases, in supreme court, how appropriation for expenses of commis- paid,. . 760 sion, and of umpire,. . . 146 Counlergfeiting, convention between the United States coins, appropriation for prevention of; 83, and the republic ot] for the adjust- 102 ment of claims, July 2, 1860, 199 treasury notes, how punished, . 123 dateofsignatures,ratifications, proc- or having possession of paper for the lamation, &c., .. 199 purpose of counterfeiting, &c., ... 123 contracting parties, . . ..,.. 199 United States treasury notes or bonds, citizens of United States, claims of, &c., 200 how punished,, 347 commissioners, board of, how appointed, 200 See Penalty. certain claims cannot be considered detection and arrest of those engaged by, . . .. . .. . . . 200 in,.. .. . .. . ..., 749 vacancies in commission, how filled, 200 penalty for, United States notes and to meet at Washington in ninety bonds, ... . 713 days, .. . . 200 County Collector, to take oath, . 200 of Washington County, D. C., duty of, same to be recorded, . 201 under act concerning primary schools, 539 to name an umpire, . . 201 Coupon Bonds. when disagreeing, who to make ap- See Bonds, Loans, T reaswjy Notes. pointment,. ... 201 may be issued for part of national loan, 259, mode of procedure of, 201 260, 313 claims, each government to furnish pa- how executed and transferable, 259 pers in regard to, .. 201 Secretary of Treasury may issue,. . 709 amount of indemnity, how ascer— Coupons, tained, . ... 201 of semiannual interest, to be attached to mode of payment of indemnity, 202 certificates of stock . . 79, 129, 178 when first instalment to be paid,... 202 for interest, how signed and executed,. . 259 subsequent instalments and inter· Court Expenses and Prosecution of Crime, est, . . . 202 appropriations for, ... 102, 143, 366, 693 appropriation, by government of Costa. Court-House, Rica to meet payments, ... . . 202 in Philadelphia, appropriation for concommission, when to end, . 203 struction oi] ... 90, 369 record, secretary, rules,. .. 203 rent ot, at Los Angelos, California, to proceedings of, to be conclusive as be paid, . . 103 to certain claims,. .. 203 at Indianapolis, appropriation for, . 219
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