Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1370

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1318 INDEX. use nu Disbursing Officers and Agents, (continued.) District Attorneys (continued-) _ _ accounts oi} to be settled monthly, . 593 in northern district of California., to dewhen to be forwarded, 593 fend certain suits, Z . 126 proceedings if accounts are not re- pay for services in suppression of the ceived in season, . .. 593 slave-trade,. ... 369 time may be extended, 593, 594 pay in prize cases, . :._ 375 Disbursements, may move to have jurors take addiuoml of contingencies of navy expenditures, oath,. . 430 each bureau to show its own, .81, 148 special duty of, in prize cases, . 608 detailed estimates of expenditures to be to report to Secretary of Navy, &.c., 608 given, ..., 81 to amend on settlement and allowance Discharge, of’ bills, . . 608 of volunteers at end of the war, ... 268 pay of, not to exceed $6000,. .. 608 allowance to volunteers when honorably suits in behalf of the United States, undisulmrgcd after certain services, 270 der banking awt, to be conducted by, 68(I of enlisted men for physical disability, in what courts to be brought, . 681 n.ct to facilitate, . . . 385 to inquire diligently as to violations of medical inspectors may discharge, with act to punish frauds against the govthe consent of the person discharged, 385 ernment, . _ . 698 certificate of inspector to be evidence written consent of] necessary to d1sconoi, .. . . 385 tinue suit brought by private prosewhat certificate must show, ... 385 eumr under that act, ... 698 pay due at time, not aifected, . 386 to have two per cent. upon collections to be reported to adjutant.-general and under revenue laws, in full for costs surgeon-general, ... 386 and fees, ... . .. 741 President may discharge any officer of fees of, for defending suits against colmrmy, &c., for cause, or to promote the lectors for 0iHci¤.i acts,. . 7 41 service, ... 596 to appear in suits against collectors, un- Dischmyal Convicts, less otherwise ordered, . 741 fiom penitentiary, in District of Colum- to make returns annually to solicitor,. . 741 biu., payment to, ... 636 returns to state what, .. . .. 741 l)ischarged bbldiers, to be transmitted to Congress, . 741 appropriation for comfort of] .. 508 to attend at examinations of political Discounts, prisoners before the United States rate of interest upon, . 678, 679 judges, . . . 756 lzislqqal Employees, compensation to, for services in enforcof the government, appropriation for ex· ing the laws for the suppression of the peuscs of committee on, 535 slave-trade, 829 l)1·SI7lZ.SS(ll, to be under the authority of and report President may dismiss any officer of to the Attorney-General, ... 285 army, &c., for cause, or to promote may be aided by counsel employed by the service, 596 the Attorney-General, .. 285 Distilled Spirits. Sec Internal Revenue. to institute proceedings for condemnaprovisions of internal revenue act con- tion of property used to aid insurrecceming, 446-459 tion,. . 319 Distillers. See Internal Revenue. federal, in California, may certify, &c., provisions of internal revenue act con- records in law cases, ... 320 ceming, ... 446, 456 etiect of such record, . 320 of coal oil, . . . . . 468 may employ clerks to transcribe rec- Da'stz·a[mt. See Direct Tax. ords,. . 320 lor taxes, provisions concerning,. . . 803, 304 number and pay of clerks,. 320 what; exempted hom, . 304 clerks of courts to deliver, on request, proceedings for under the internal reve- records to attorneys,. .,..,. 320 nue awt, ... 439, 440, 443, 449, 452 penalty for not doing so, . . 320 copy of, where to be lctt,. . . . . 714 to be vigilant in enforcing the prohibi- Distrew. See Direct Pu:. tion of commercial intercourse with tin- taxes, provisions eonceming,...303, 304 inhabitants of states in insurrection, what exempted from,. .. . . 804 Appendix, 1262 Distribution. Sec Public l)0cumen¢s. Districts, of public books and documents, provis- assessment for assessing direct tax, 296 ions concerning the, ... 826 police, in District of Columbia, . . . . 322 Distrilmtive Shares of Personal Property, Dividends. See Lztermzl Revenue. duty upon, if over certain value,. . .485-487 tax upon, ... . ... 469, 470 District Attorney, Dividends, vaumcy in office of, when may be Hlled of profits of banking associations, to be by court, .. 768 made in May and November, ... 678 appointment, to last how long, 768 capital stock not to be diminished by, 677, in Michigan, 661 678 District Attorneys, Divisions, znppropriatioxis for,.. .102, 143, 365, 368, 369, of volunteers, how made up, ... 269 693 Divorces, in Kansas, Colorado, Dakota, and Ne- act to authorize, in the District of C0- vada. See t/lose Titles. lumbia., . . . 59