Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1372

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1320 INDEX. nor rm: l District of Columbia, (continued.) District of Columbia, (continued.) · s extension of branch of the Alexandria, laws oi, to be revised and codified, 764, 765 &.c., railroad in, . . . 128 pay therefor, .. _ ... . .. 765 appropriations for judges, &c., in, .. 143 Documents, Pub/ic. See Publw Documents. · auxiliary guard, penitentiary, &c., 144, Documents. See Stamps. 217 provisions concerning stamps upon, ·&c., 632, insane of the army and navy in,. . . 177 _ _ annual direct tax apportioned to, .. 296 Dodd, Wdluzm B., _ _ act creating metropolitan police district payment to Horace Austm, as commis- 0fQ ... 320 sioner, of money for the creditors ol, 499 appropriations for the, 365, 367 Dodge, Israel, act abolishing slavery in, . 376, 378 land claim oi, confirmed, ... . .. 866 See Slavery. further provisions, . .. 866 appropriation to aid colonization from,. . 378 Doclqe, Frederick, act relating to highways in county of payment to, . 879 Washington, . .. . . . 383 Doebler, R. K., See Highways, assignment of land warrant to, by Samprimary schools in Washington Coun- uel H. Dill, made valid, 852 ty, . . .. . ... 395-402 Dogs, for education of colored youth, 402 tex on ceriain, in the District of Columact prescribing qualifications of electors bia, .. . 800 in, . .. . 403 “D0/p/zin," The, oath of allegiance, ... 403 American register to issue to, . 431 violation oi to be perjury, 403 Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the act for revision, &c., of laws oi, 403, 582 Protestant Episcopal Church in the United pay of commissioner for, &c... 682 States, act providing for education of colored may enter the “Mission Farm," Wi - children in, ... 407 consin, .., . .. .. 22 rights, &c., of persons of color in, .. 407 Donaldson and Scott, accounts and salary of clerk of circuit land claim of, under Houmas grant, not and eriminal_court, 408 confirmed, 867 to be regarded as :1 congressional district Dov‘8Q1/I Jo/m A., for purposes of appointment to naval payment to, for freed slaves, .. 924 academy, . 565 Double Costs, police code for, established, . .. 681 plaintiff to gay, if nonsuited in actions employment, &c., of convicts in peniten· against officers for false arrest, &c., . . 757 tinry, 626 Doubk lxfalions, sentence of certain persons convicted in act allowing in certain cases repealed,. . 290 the criminal court of the,. . . 635, 636, S23 Douglass, James S., Senior, appropriations for penitentiary in,. 635, 636 land patents wrongly issued to James when suitable penitentiary is built, pris- S. Coleman, for lands in Mississippi, oners to be removed to, . 636 to issue to,. .. . ..., 840 office of register of deeds established in, 651 Douglas, Stephen A., See Register of Dude. widow of} to be paid amount of salary act concerning highways in, . .. . . 383, 658 due him as Senator at the time of his vacanciesin levy court in, how lilled, 658 death, 900 act to reorganize the courts in, 7 62--765 Dawer, supreme court established, 763 provisions as to, in cases of divorce in jurisdiction ot, ... 763 District of Columbia, .. 60 justices, number, appointment, oath, Drq]7. See National Forces. and tenure of office, 768 how made,. . 733, 734 their salaries, . .. 764 those drafted aud notified, to do what, 733, general and special terms, 763 734 court may appoint clerk, . 763 to be inspected by surgeons, . . 733, 734 oath, bond, . , .4..,... 768 penalty for not appearing according to district court, who may hold, and terms notice, or, &.e., . 734 of, .. . . 763 penalty for resisting, or advising to recriminal court, who may hold, and terms sist the, ... 735 oi] . ... . .. 763 Drajied Men, rules for repeals and practice, 763, 764 to be assigned to any service, . 736 trials of issues of fact or law, .. 763, 764 for nine months or less, who enlist in exceptions, motions for new trials, &c.,, 764 regiment from same state, for one writs and process, how tested, . 764 year to have bounty, .. 743, 744 writs of error and appeals to supreme Dragoons, court, 764 the two regiments of} to be known as appeals from judgments of justices of cavalry,. .. 289 _ the peace, 764 present officers to retain rank, . 289 Justices of the peace may be removed rule as to promotion, 289 by the court, after due notice, &c.,. 764 Draughtsmen, present circuit, district, and criminal employment oi, to cease,. . 18 court, abolished, ... 764 Drawings, provision for pending process, &c.,. 764, for patent-office report, appropriation 765 for, ... 108