Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1382

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1 330 INDEX. uci: YM! Forlgfcafions, (continued.) Founrllings, _ Fort at Staten Island,. .,.. 343, 655 in the District of Columbia, asylum for, Fort at Willet’s Point, . . .263, 342, 343, established, ... . 798 655 Fourth Audi/or, Fort at the Tortugas,. .,. 343, 655 appropriations for office of] 95, 96, 136, 137, Fort Calhoun, ... 263, 342, 655 358, 359, 686, 687 Fort Carroll, . 263, 342, 655 appropriation to remove office of, .. 132 Fort Clinch, .. .. . . 655 Foxes, Fort (`onstitution, ... 654 appropriations for the, . .54, 229, 521, 783 Fort Delaware, ... 342, 655 treaty with, . 1171 Fort Hamilton, . . . 343, 655 Fiucliomzl blows, Fort on [log lsland Ledge, 263, 342, may be issued, in lieu of postage cur- 654 rency, 711 Fort Jackson, ... 655 amount not to exceed $50,000,000, . 711 Fort Jefferson,. .. 263, 342, 343, 655 denominations same as postage cur- Fort Knox, .. 263, 342, 654 rency, 711 Fort McClary, ...,... 655 to be prepared in treasury department Fort Mifflin, .. . .. 343 building, .. 711 Fort Monroe, .. . .. 343, 655 exchangeable for United States notes, Fort Montgomery,. . . 263, 342, 343, 654 in sums not less than $3, 711 Fort on site of Fort Tompkins, 262, 342, receivable for any dues less than 355, 343, 655 except duties on imports, . . . 711 Fort opposite Fort Delaware, . 343 tax on, to be five per cent, 712 Fort Preble, .. . . . 654 Ilia}:/c, Antonio, Fort llii·hmond,.. 263, 343 payment to, . 917 Fort Saint Philip, 655 F ran/ring [’ri:·i/enc, Fort Schuyler, ..,... 343, 655 chief of bureaus in the navy department Fort Taylor ,... . . 263, 342, 343, 655 to have, ...,... 512 Fort Scammcl, .. 3l2, 654 commissioner of agriculture to have,. . . 388 Fort Warren, .. . 342, 655 of internal revenue to have, ... 433 Fort Wintl1i·op, .. 342, 343, 655 who entitled to, .. 708 Fort Wool, . . . . 655 of members of Congress, when to comfor fortifications on northern fron- mence, and when to expire, . 708 tier, . . 342 limit in weight, . . 708 at Bnflhlo, .. 342 exceptions as to weight, ... 708, 709 at Detroit, .. 342 envelopes, how to be marked and inat Fort Gratiot, .. 342 dorscd, 708 at Mackinaw, ... . 342 penalty for false marking, . . . . . 708 at Ogclensbnrg, .. 342 F rankl/n, Lieut. Samuel R., at Oswego. . 42 to be allowed pay of purser, &c., .. 879 at Sault Sainte Marie, 342 "Fran/c Pierce," defence in Oregon and Washington, the name of the schooner, changed to near Columbia River, .. 343 that of “General Sigel," ... 431 temporary works in Maine, ... 343 Fraud. See Contracts. in harbor of Portsmouth, N. H., 343 in officers making contracts for governin Narragansett Bay, . . .. 343 inent, act to prevent and punish,. . . .411, permanent defences at Narragansett 412 Bay, .. 655 in furnishing supplies, &c., 596 additional fortifications at New London Frauols, Harbor, . . . ..., 655 upon the Government of the United not to be expended unless New Lon- States. act to prevent and punish, . . .. 696 don is to be naval station, . . 655 persons in military or naval service defensive works in Oregon and Wa.sl1- making or knowingly presenting a ington Territory, ... . . . 655 fictitious claim, how punished,. . .696, 697 defence of Washington,. .. 656 false bills, receipts, vouchers,. .696, 697 bridge trains and held equipage,. . .342, 343, making false oaths, ... 697 656 forging signatures to any paper, &c., 697 tool and siege trains, ... . . 342, 655 uttering forged papers, ,.. . 697 Fort l,<n·ann`¤: [ne/ions, conspiring to defraud, by obtaining appropriations for the, . 55, 231, 522, 649, the allowance of false claims, . . . 697 784 stealing, embezzling, misappropri- Fort Ri¢lq:·ly, rye., lVag0n·r0nd, ating arms, ordinance, ordnance accounts of superintendent ot] to be set- stores, ... . 697 tletl, ... . ... 204 wrongly and knowingly selling, or Forts. See I*brt[/ications. disposing of arms, &c., . 697 Fort Sumter, contractors, paymasters, quarteract for relief of certain musicians and masters, or other persons having soldiers stationed at, 273 the charge thereof, concealing F are Uiiion, New M·xico, property, .. 697 military road from, to Santa Fc, appro- delivering, &c., false receipts for arms priation to complete, ... 203 &c., ... . ... L .. 697 Fmwmdino of Lows, _ purchasing or receiving in pledge, &c., provisions concerning, . . . . 706 arms, &c., from soldiers, 697