Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/139

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THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Szss. I. Ch. 211. 1860. 109 all parts of the United States; Provider; That no part of this amount P¤'°*i¤<>· shall he expended as a commission, exchange, gift, dividend or loan, or as compensation for extra services ,to any clerk, messenger, watchman or exgsnggfg b° other person already receiving a salary or wages under the government mmmi¤¤i¤¤s,&¤ of the United States, nor to any partner, employee or memberof the family of any such clerk, messenger, watchman or other person so employed by the United States as aforesaid; and should the provisions of this section be violated, or any such employee of the United States be detected, or be known to sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of any cuttings, seeds or other property arising from this or any previous agricultural appropriation by Congress, every such clerk, messenger, watch- Penalty. man, or other person receiving a. salary or wages, as aforesaid, shall be dismissed from office. For expenses of receiving, arranging, and taking care of copyright dgE;‘£;°°P!‘ books, charts, and other copyright matter, one thousand four hundred ’ ` dollars. Government Hospital for the Imam.-For the support, clothing, and _ HOSPWI Y0? *h• medical treatment of the insane of the District of Columbia, and of the m°°°°' army and navy, at the asylum in said district, thirty thousand dollars. For books and incidental expenses of the asylum, five hundred dollars. For completion of the four eastern sections of the east wing of the hospital edifice, thirty-six thousand one hundred and eleven dollars. For furnishing the four eastern sections of the east wing of the hospital edifice, five thousand three hundred and forty-three dollars. For extending the heating apparatus into the four eastern sections of the hospital edihce, Eve thousand dollars. For erecting, furnishing, lighting, and heating a lodge for colored women, corresponding to that already erected and occupied by colored men, ten thousand dollars. For a. gas-holder, to be placed in a position in the rear of the east wing of the hospital, corresponding to that occupied by the present gas-holder in the rear of the west wing, one thousand dollars. _ Rvploring E:r.pcdit1I0n.—-—For preservation of the collections of the E{P]°””8'*‘ exploring and surveying expeditions of the government, four thousand p°d`m’ dollars. Institution of the Deqf; Dumb, and Blind.-—For salaries aud incidental Dwi} d¤¤¤b» expenses of the Institution of the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind, in the District ud umd' of Columbia, three thousand dollars. For expenses to be incurred in taking the eighth census of the inhabi- Eighth census. tents of the United States, one million dollars. For extension of the General Post-Oiiiee, seventy thousand dollars. Ogjgwxwggjgh Botanic Garden.--For grading, draining, procuring manure, tools, fuel, Botanic gu-den, and repairs, purchasing trees and shrubs for botanic garden, to be expended under the direction of the Library Committee of Congress, three thousand three hundred dollars. For pay of horticulturist and assistants in the botanic garden and greenhouses, to be expended under the direction of the Library Committee of Congress, Eve thousand one hundred and twenty-one dollars and fifty cents. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to supply such newly created Stuwtes ¤¤ oiices as are entitled thereto by the act of eighth August, eighteen hun- LTQQ, db 100 dred and forty-six, with full sets of the Statutes at Large, and to replace vo;. gx, p, 75. ’ those once furnished to old officers, which have since been unavoidahly lost or destroyed, one thousand dollars. For completing the printing, binding, and publishing one thousand Madison papers copies of the papers of James Madison, under the direction and control of the Joint Committee on the Library of Congress, two thousand dollars; and the said committee are hereby authorized to contract for the printing and binding of the same with such person or persons as they may think proper to employ.