Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1395

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INDEX. 1343 Inspectors- General, Hu Immb, ml ’*°" - . » DWGf!M_ of the, tivo assistants to be appointed,. .. .. 287 appropriations for support oi; 97, 188, 139, t 1":£l§u°·udlP*Y 0*]-; ·•···--·-······ 287 _ 277, 860, 361, 687, 688 wo a 1 ona , authonzed, 318 eight additional night watchman .. 277 Lispoam-.s of iStqamboals, See Legislative, Qc. Approprieitzon. appropriations for, . . . 102, 143, 366, 694 Inlcrivr, Secreldry of the, Instalmenzs, _ appropriations for office oi} 97, 138, 860, 687 to subscriptions on national loan, provxs- Sag Sccwmy of gb, [nk,-;,,,._ 1on as to pzsyment, &c., of} .. 260 Interlocutcry Sale. Soc Zlzx. Scgeggy ol lrcnsury may make regu- 260 I mipmgrize cases, provisions concerning, .. 874 ,·-•.··· TI. S, _ _ penalties for not paying, .. 260 in M t Oli I: C C pany [nstztutzonjbr the Education of Colored Youth, mpgxvtuoi fol; msdrgcflz . . 427 act to incorporate, 796 Internal Revenue, I Instruments: See bumps. s,cb_imposing internal duties, stamp du- PIOVISIODS concerning stamps upon, fig; ues, licenses, &c., . , 482-489 _ , ‘ wht f k if t 61, issued without stamps, not for that rea- an wmous par S 0 , ta Q 9 ec ’ 227 sou to be void,.. Z { .. 632, 724, 725 ants amending,. . . . . . .627, 713 noikto be adxmttcd m evidence, without 725 commissioner if internal revenue, ups amp, ointment , d f & . f 432 483 stamp may be aiiixed in court, 725 P clerks in ?fl?;g<>f,\:`.l?? . f)., .' 433 Insummz Agents, to have franking privilege, 433 to pay for license, 715 Gmmx L P Insurance Companies, . “R°"“°NS* tex on dividends of}. .. 470, 471 convenient collection districts to be duty to be paid by,. ... 719-721 made, 433 Insuqqents, sny stats may make one, . 483 P1'gS1d0I!.C shall order to disperse, when, 282 lxmxtbto uurgbs; of m any state, ... c. .. . ... num cr m ui o nin . Inwrreczwu, assessor and collector Isppointsd for each when inhabitants of a. state, or part of sm district, . . 483, 561 state, may be declared to be in,... 257, to be rgsideuts within the same,. .. 483 284 assessor to ividc his district into assesscommercial intercourse therein to ment districts, . 433 cease, unless licensed, and cer- toappoint assistant assessor in each, 438 tain property to be forfeited,. .. 257 oath of assessors and assistant nssessors,438 inhabitants of certain states declared to certificate to be delivcrcdtooollector, 438 bein, ... . .. Appendix, 1262 penalty for acting without taking commercial intercourse therewith to oath, . . I . . 433 close, &.c., . .. Appendix, 1262 collectors to give bonds before sntenng made a capital offence under act giving on duties, .. _ _.: . 433, 434 judicial powers to certain ministers, amount, suretxes, conditions, .. 434 &c., 75, 77 where to be Bled and kept, ... . 434 I See Capital Ofencea. to Gene? and strengthen them from 434 nsurrectiona{cts imc 0 imc . . act to couect direct taxes in,. .. 422 collector may appoint deputies and rccollection of abandoned and captured voke appointments, ... . 434 property in, provisions concerning,. to pay deputEs,é..&;c ‘ may rcqu1re_ on s ., .. oMcers and soldiers receiving such prop- to oe responsxblo for acts of his depuerty, or cotton, sugar, mcs, or bobsc- tics, .. 434: co, to turn the same ovcr to special 821 mug collect the whole tax and du- 434 agents . .. es . . . ... persons claiming to be owners of, may deputy collectors, to have power of colprefer their claims in the court of Icctors to collect taxes, &,c:, . 434 claims, . . .. S20 persons, firms', and corporations to rcupon what proof may recover,. 820 turn to assistant ssfcssog szmouuzlgg Interest minus. income m1 IS or 1 to ’be paid certain contractors for cam·y— subject to tex, &c., . 434 ing the mails, ,.. : . .1, 2, 112 forius, of returns,. ... 434 rate of and provision concerning, on regu1utions, xnsuucpops, &c., of combonds, trcasury notes, &c.,..259, 260, 818 mxssnoucr to be bmding on assessors, Q4 coupons for, how executed, ... 259 &c., and collcctors, &c.,. . on income—tax due and not paid, ... 310 assessors to cause assistimts 0 ms s 234 435 on purclmsomoncy in case of redcmp- tax lists in ouch district,. . . . . . , tion of real estate sold for taxes,. . Sgté poasogs; to return sts, may 435 is s · , ..,... ‘ s be ds d otc tube ohicer to make list, ... 435 mpEigli;dm?u??., . . 845 list V;ll€f1fBlgl’1(;;] and sworn to, to 435 not to y on public debt, ... ;. 482 e ist o suc persons,.: I .r rate oguupon loans and discounts,. 648, 679 PGHNW for f19hV€¥`mg °" dlwbsing 435 usury to forfeit the debt,. . 679 fraudulent list, ... .