Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1402

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1350 INDEX. non Mmm! Rmm tin ed) Pm. Inlernal Revenue, (continued.) I mari:`2 glgllueng . . . . . . asignment of mortgage, 721 rolled brass, copper, &o., .. 717 do€ru11;§1u5séénl;ir<;1u0z;);<§r;35;l1€ duty sails, bouts, shades, ... 717 Ythou h madé hem O i · · o l_ __ 721 tobacco, snuili &c., ... 717 as h EI amx the sémp N U I I U721 mineral, &c., waters, . 717 w 0 0 (mal bOnd»fo1_ par uugésr dress-make", lhoemakum 717 mggslgsrosgggllty of money, . 721 umbrellas, rasols &c. .. 717 no conveyance 0 ships, steaullaboats, vtessels, &.c., 717 property to pay duty of ove? 721 confectionery, ... . . . . 717 $1000, .. _. . ... {Matgold-leafl . . . ... . . 717 stamp duty noe requxre _ 011 [glp 721 castings of iron, .. 717 mg to bouzltxes, pehséons, clocks and time-pieces, .. 717 nor)-elating to gx (emm y J 721 amendment of section seventy-seven,. . 717 nes by Sloux u mus, . taxes on carriages, yachts, &c., to nor on ceruficates of measuremeu , ' . . . 717 weight, &c., . _. . 721 lbe<lpl1dAannuauy' · l l 717 uor on certain deposit notes of m- amexigrherllz (of 718 surance companies, . . . . 721 slaughtered animals, . . ... 718 nor ou certificates of record of deed, 21 amendment of section ninety-cue, .. 718 &c., ..., Z . . 7 "gv.s” stricken out, .. 718 when bond or note is secured y pol 721 amendment of section ninety-three, 718 gage, only one stamp duty rcquu·e_ ,6. proceedings in case of neglect or re- 718 stamp to be the hxghest km 721 fusal, . requu , I . amendment of section ninotyminc, . 718 transportatwu by express oompames ex- " ninety-eight " substituted for empt from stamp duty, .2 ... 721 " ninety-tlu·ee," .. . . 718 stamp duty on charter-partxes, . .2. ._ 721 amendment of section one hundred and 718 caucelhmon ol; stangnsh icomm1ss1ouer 721 two, . . may prescn rue o or, . by striking} out and inserting cer- 718 mozle may_bteu·r;q1;1tn;e;i of mam1facturer¤ 721 tain wor s, ... 0 propnc a. ces, . _. amendment of section one hundred and 18 duty on intere? oxtebouds of oauiil, havntwclve, ... . ... 7 gation, s ac wa r, or urup e com— by striking out. and inserting cer- 718 panies, . . . . .6.721, tain words, ... returns to e ma e un er oa , stamp duty on lottery tickets, . 719 penalty for default, ... . . .. 722 lotteries, or sale of lottery tickets, duty on ferry·bonts, .. 722 not authorized hereby, .. 719 on express companies, . 722, 723 penalty for making or sellinglottery income in estimating amount paid for tickets without stamps, . 718 rent to be deducted, . .. 723 prime not recoverable, .. . . 718 duty on ale, beer, porter, coal—oil, rock# tbrieiture of twice amount paid, . . . 718 011, &c., until April 1, 1864,. . . . . 723 duty on amounts received for insurance none on that manufactured or disagainst injury by travelling,. 719 tilled prior to Sept. 1, 1862, 723 no stamp duty required on tickets fractional parts of a barrel, . . . . 723 or contracts of insurance, .. 719 deductions for leakage, ... 723 certain contracts concerning coin and brewers to make returns, . 723 bullion, to he in writing, .. 719 not to render certain accounts, . 723 stump duty thereon, . 719 banks not making dividends, to make reduty if lonn, &c., is extended, . 719 turns once in six months, ... 723, loans on pledge of coin, not to exceed 724 the par value of the coin,. ... .. 719 when first return is to be made, . 724 duty on such loans, .. 719 what duty to pay, . ... 724 tru1§ac¤ions with government not 71 liceusestorun from lst Monday in May, 724 u ectec , . . . 9 to continue until what time ... 7 contracts, loans, and sales of coin, not in those granted after May 1st;, . . . 72; accordance with this uct, void, .. 719 provision for unexpired licenses,. . . 724 money paid may be recovered commissioner may, in certain collection back, .. 719, 720 districts, deliver stamps to collector amendment of section one hundred and without prepayment, .. 7M ten, .. 720 commissions, bond of collector, 724 schedule B. amended, . . .. 720 collector to supply deputies, .. 724 duties on bills of exchange, drafts, no instrument issued prior to June lst: notes, &.c., .. . .. 720 1863, without a. stamp, to be invalinl on other corriiicatcs than those for that cause, . . ... 724 spcciilccd in Schedule B., 720 X101I to beadmitbed in evidence with. on passugotxokots, ,.. . . . . 720 out a stamp, . . .. 724 725 powers ot utgomey, .. .. ._ .. 720 stamp may be aHixed in court, . I 725 pohcnes of nnsurzmce, mamue or collectors, pay of; .. . 725 _firc, .. 720 to be allowed for posta es &c. . l 725 lull ofsale ofavcs el 720 g ’ ’ 5 . salary not to exceed what sum, 725