Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1405

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INDEX. 1358 Izpan, (continued,) n" · Japan (continu d mm coms all xce t , ’ °? Md,?.. . P. .?‘i‘?¥‘?T:T??Y.‘??i‘$r056 **¤¤*#*·°¤=¤¤.·=~¤¤¤·1·*~¤·»¤·¤¤¤¤·1¤<»+ uucoined foreign gold md silver (mmm supphes need mt be °“' _ xpely the exported, . 1056 umdés; I Jurw ¤c`¤ &"» s “? . . ·· Amcrgzxszga ;~\;¢;°J£Pmw“’ Q1056 miugggnzgrd “ship" in’treaiy1066 J consular courts, 1056 tonnage duties apanese against Americans by A · · local authorities · 1056 fimrgfzfftuusmps, ... 1067 · U ;~4¤·¤.••... °°g;**;jc5<&;;: _<{reu-to Qapmlm ams in J:;;; . 5). . ff. . .1067 forfeitures and penalties for v1d- :],,8; gm :0 be fr?' `'' ’1067 lation of treaty, ...,,,_____ m55 dm W ° QW "`° P9' °°”*··-1067 ¤¤$h¤; gavirnmé-nn m bg rgspgnsi- per cg; 0 DRY thnrty-xivelcss me of Zgiif ;“é;?ZE“‘L,., i..‘°‘” °‘*§§,,’°“’ *° my *"*¤*~V W opened harbors, ... 1057 dugg, on gy f '°````'` what Americans shall lose right of impart and 1:; ’ ```` `· ```````` 06 . . port dunes may be permenent resxdence m Japan,. . 1057 myiscd and when 1068 suc; persons to have reasons- ·g · B``````°'`' ble nm =» settle ¤·»s»»mS, ’“Em‘i‘£‘§11’“..‘?T‘$*T*T‘???‘?1T`T‘f’ "'°°“"m

  • 0 be d¤*t€¤‘mi¤€d by Ameri- office of consul-general at

_ can consul, .. 1057, 1058 ished, 171 Aaagiggdwmdawn fo have Rug-1058 B81g1I18S of consuls at Kaungnwu and _ _ _ ,._ . ugamki, established,. . 171 relésggus ammosxty ·n0t to be ex-1058 of ma;_· of consular courts in, . 171 . 1; ’ s f Am' ' Japanese aurhorities, on request of Jqparnzg ({30E;;?,/zngor umm commu m' 171 consul, wall arrest desemrs and presents otYered hy, to officers of the fugxhves from justice, . . .. 1058 "Niagam," may be accepted by them, 612 w1ll receive prisoners in jail,. . 1058 “Jasper}' Il he Schooner, cornisul to pay just compensn.-1058 iisllung-bounty due to, to be paid Moses 6 011, .. . ... h , .. . ... .. . "3 Japanese government may purchase Jqfe:·son0B•;·racl:a, 0 or cgxgtgxnct vessels ofwnr, &c. in hmds for erection of arsenal at, Z)8 ni tates ... 1058 1059 Jenkins C'. I meéymtgngaée the guitedm 9 deeisiou dffcgurt rig claims aguingt, as as 911 s scnentx c men, 5 signee o ohn ciiiuuie con rmed, their purchases may be exp0rt·m_9 “Jessie," Tlzefqrizsh Brghf I ’ _ .., »» owners 0 , 0 e pm or cssesm rescuexcept contraband ofwnr,.1059 ing the passengers und crew of the regulations appended make part: of Amerimn ship "Northumberhmd,". . 862 treaty, ... _.: ... 1059 “.fahn C. I·3·emcn¢," The Schooner, condncuug provisions of treaty ct name changed m "H0r1z0n," . 250 March 31, 1854, repealed,. . 1059 John .l0hns¢m, md of convention of June 17, 0 half scctign oL1tndRand mission-buildl 18 7 . 1 59 ing on ull e eservuticn grantee rules m2ry,be made to carry this bo, .. .. . . . 1249 treaty mto effect, .. 1059 Johnson, Israel, this treaty may be terminated after payment tn, . 849 July 4, 1872, by either govern- Johnson, Nam; M., _ _ _ ment, on a yeur’s notice, .. 1060 payment to, as admxmstzmtmx of Walter treaty, &c., subject to revision. .1060 R._Johns0u, ... 865 treaty, when to take effect,. ... 1060 Johnson, IK b. JY, _ _ ramifications, how verified,. 1060 decision of court df clsums ugnmst, 0011- treaty executed in quadruplicate,. . 1061 firmed, .. . . . ... 912 Dutch version of treaty to be deem- Johnston, Robert, _ _ _ ed the original, 1061 may locate certmn military bounty landsignatures, .  : 1061 warrants, .,.. 2 . SQS7, 866 regulations for conducting Amen- warmuts may be subject to certsm 868 can trade in Japan, ... equ1t1es,t. {hg .3 2) at custom-house,. ussxgnmen s _ Japanese custom-house oihccrs to patents in be void, 868 be placed on board merchant ven- Johnston, Gabriel L, _ _ 6 d 882 sels, . , IOS? hud-eutri ot, m Missouri, cou rme ,.` · ““’“‘}"‘g °“i°°°“1‘ 6; ‘ H '{KS3 "°"'*’§°’{;,FE'€ {Em of to be Mm bwck m ii b ·' · s . . c a ne or Nm mg Oc 8 an ’ 1063 court of cleimé and [roof taken, &c-, goods discharged without entry 150 land scrxp to xssue to hens ot, ..,...,... l be forfeited, .. . .. - . 1063 Jones, Emzhc G., _ f Thomas P frauds on revenue, and attempts at payment to, as executux 0 - 866 fraud, how punished, . 1063, 1066 Jones, . . . . . ..,. . .