Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1407

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INDEX- was , nur K°""fihi€€°£tTQuZt£w K“"““ ’”"?“'“· (°°”**““°d·> M _ , ... 126 prior contracts for sale not made boundaries, . . . , . . 126 eHective hereb ’ Ingign territory excepted out, until, lands of reservees ma§ 21 _ .,. .; . .. . 127 b ld .., .. rights of Indmns to be preserved, .. 127 Epzteiits to issue therefor U . . H I -21 g2 one representative in Congress, 127 proceeds of sale to go of ’ Congrtgss does not assent to the claims reservees, . 22 in e constitution, &.c., of Kansas,. 127 sal f lg d · I ````'` Y `````` " propositions to be submitted to popular dosed,.?.?.??. fdiil bids, Postr 680 vote, ... . . . 127 Pre‘d |;l if be obligatory, .. 127 tczzftlinglidsh mgtdmstmgddsyitdj 793 sc oo sn s,. 12.7 for borne to be prepared for, in the suite university lands, ... 12; Indian country, . ... 798 lands for public buildings, . 127 treaty with, of October 5, 1859, .. .. 1111 salt springs and contiguous lands,. 127 portion of their reservation to be set salt springs, &c., vested in individ- apart and assigned in sovemlty to uuls, not to be granted by the members of tribe, .. 1111 state, . 127 boundaries of reservation, 1111 percentage on land sales, .. 127 assignments of land to heads of families foregoing propo itions are on condi- &c.,. . . ... 1111 tion . . . . .. 127 for Indi n d s h le 1111 steve riot to tax property of United States to be inte c?>gx:;i§&h1ddy,?. ??.1111, 1112 in state, . ... 127, 128 intermediate pmrcels to be held in comlsmds heretofore contirmed to Kansas mon, suhiect to assignment in sevand now grunted to be deducted, . 128 emlty, 1112 1aYs of the United States, &.c., extended 28 whole to be called the Kansas Reserva- 0 ansas, . . ... 1 tion .. 1112 state made a judicial district, .. 128 whites not to reside or go thereon, undistrict court established, . 128 less, &c., .. 1112 jurisdiction and terms thereof, 128 assignment, &c., to be made under di· Judge, attorney, marshal, and their pay, 128 rection of Secretary of Interior,. 1112 appeals and writs of error, 128 certificates to issue for tracts assigned, 1112 successor of supreme court of Kansas 128 hmdwha.t_to Zpeciiy,. . 1112 territory . . s assign no to 'em ., p0st—routes’ established in, ... 4, 157, 415 unless, &.c., . ... I I 112 surveys of public lands in, 218, 351, 748 to be exempt from taxation, &c.,.. .1112 appropriations for the territory ot} .,,.. 142 rules, &c., concerning disposition annual direct tex apportioned to, .. 295 _ _0i, . . . .. , .. . . . 1112 tems of United Suites circuit courts in, 63:315 prpvnpcu in cgse of abandonment otluz 6 an s assigne .. . ... . .. grant of lands to, in alternate sections, oertainsurplus iands may be sold for to aid in the construction of certain certain purposes, ... 1112 railroads and telegrnphs, ... .. . . 772 inode, &c., of sale, ... H12 description of roads and branches, . 772 improvements,. . 1112, 1116 if any section has been sold, an equal proceeds ofsale,howexpended, 1112 quantity to be granted in lieu thereof, 772 valid and Just debts tobe pmd thge-H13 certain lands not within this act, .. 773 _ from, .. .. , ., 1} , sections remaining to the United States, if proceeds of sale are msufficient to payul not to be sold for less than double min- 773 deflgtgbigioneypgitpw disc mzyimbteuugedéf 3 '... appr un er o lm:; £,gubjgct to Privgfg gnuy, 7 3 Pr .dSeteretaui;y of Ipteiripr, ..., .5,1113 until, &c. . 7 esi en wi essen o ongress, ma settlers on reserved sections, entitled to modify any existing treaty with theulg patents under homestead law, ... 773 Kansas tribe, . . . . . .f lands granted, to be disposed of only for 773 expgiggs tot $21% gesty ppmé pm ou 0 1113 h t s , ... . 0 sus _ , . _. mihozdsuggg sd be public highways,. . 773 assignment of lands to children of theulug fret? of chzrge for transportation of 773 halfblgrssderghzggsga. . . 1113 roops c., _ _ . . .. lands, how disposed of by state,. ._ . 773 right of way forégoésdshnnd railroads,.. . roads, &c., to be completed within #3 774 ggspttlpcéaty to in ng, ... 1114 ars . , _ _ ,.. .1 .. , midi to be transported over roads, at 7 4 ragigicgggztvgépcgs :°mcndment,..1114, what price . . . ._ 7 a n , . . .. 6 district court in, may issue executions, treaty procluirtnehdg. .]. . 1 K in certain cases, .. . . 807 ireesty ::2; pormmreuieugr ,. ... 1221 a i ti s f th , 49, 225 517, 779 contracting psu-ties, .. ; .. _ . tilt!;;-:¥`rI?ni:;|d gtxstesein reservation as- the vslue of improvements by certem signed to, vested in reservees,. ., 21 settlers todbet;(scermine:iéda.;1l;1€!e(e;_·°tf6-1221 or in those decided to be heirs of cafes of in eb nessus , 1223 reservees, ... . . 21 VOL. x11. INDEX - 173