Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/141

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THIR'I`Y—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 211. 1860. 11} ` ation of the “American State Papers," be so modified as to require the publishers to defray all the expenses of selecting, compiling and arranging the documents proper to be included in that work; also the expenses of binding, and of all engraving on copper, steel and wood, and for lithographing, which may be considered necessary by the secretary of the Senate and clerk of the House of Representatives, together with the expenses of preparing full and proper indexes for each volume, and a general index of the whole work, including the volumes contained in the first series, and all other contingent or incidental expenses whatsoever attending such publication. And, moreover, that the price to be allowed to the Price. publishers for said work shall be fifteen per centum less per volume than 18§1,ch. 65. the average price per volume paid for the first series of the same, printed P· gg under the act of March second, eighteen hundred and thirty-one. And ljishiigmcuz the said volumes shall be delivered to the Secretary of the Interior as the same may be completed, who shall place three hundred copies in the Department of State for its use, and for exchange with foreign governments, and seven hundred copies in his own department for distribution to public libraries in the several States and Territories, and hold the residue of the copies in his custody, subject to the further order of Congress. And the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby directed to pay the publishers of the HS§;§_°f pub` said work, at the rate per volume above mentioned, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, as the same may be delivered to the Secretary of the Interior, and on his certincate of delivery; and so Portions of act much of the aforesaid nineteenth section of the act of June twelve, eigh- §?;g$;8»1:;’lf;°v;‘;th7 teen hundred and fifty-eight, as is inconsistent with this act, be, and the repealed_ same, is hereby repealed : Prwidei That the volumes shall average not Sim of wiumc, less than one thousand pages: Providedfurtfzer, That the whole amount whore expanse_ expended in the publication of these volumes shall not exceed three hundred and forty thousand dollars. Src. 7. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury Accounts of be, and he is, hereby, authorized and directed to settle and adjust the g‘;’g”·;;;’g&_ accounts of the contractor for the erection of the United States custom- house &,,_ at Sm house and post-office at San Francisco, California, and to pay to said con- I-"1‘§·¤¤i$¤° W W tractor, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the “d·l““°d‘ amount that may be found to be justly due to him under the contracts made between said contractor and the proper officers of the government for erecting said building, and, also, such sum as may be found due for furnishing the same. Sue. 8. Ami be it further enacted, That the District Attorney of the value Orceygaiu United States for tho District of Columbia, under the direction of the l¤¤di¤ EM my President of the United States, shall ascertain the fair cash value of the giYs’;i?,Qg§.$°e3_w real estate hereinafter mentioned; also, at what price the same can be purchased, and the condition of the titles, and report the result to Congress at its next session, to wit: the following described squares and parts of squares in the city of Washington, namely: so much of square five hundred and seventyhve as is included within the following described lines 2 beginning on the west side of First Street, west, at a point sixty- seven feet north of the southeast corner of said square, and running thence south with the line of First Street west to the southeast corner of said square; thence with the line of Pennsylvania Avenue along the boundary of said square in said avenue one hundred and eighty Feet; thence in a. straight line to the point of beginning; also so much of square five hundred and seventysix as is included within the following described lines: beginning on the west side of First Street west, at a point sixty-seven feet south of the northeast corner of said square, and running thence north with the line of First Street west, to the northeast corner of said square; thence, with the line of Maryland Avenue along the boundary of said square on said avenue, one hundred and eighty feet; thence in a straight