Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1412

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1360 INDEX. ull Logishztive §·c Appropriulions (continued) uu Leyislviivfb d`¢’·» APf”`°P"i“d””’¤ lcantimledd T- clcrkd and watchmeii, .. .. 277 court €XP¢¤¤9S» wd P;%;"°i·g‘;?¤36%, 693 general land-omee, 96, 97, 138, 360, mine, . .. . » U H3 537, 533 annuities_Q11d gfffn »· ··-· · ·*’'‘ A wz to carry into etfeet act estab- c0untcrf¤1¤¤S 09*% -···· 27,;, lishing additional district in mdepcudcut ¤f€¤-5l·¤'.Y» ···· 36é 6%; 6% Washington Territory, . 96 _ be ,8 *102],8 Indian aiiairs, 96, 97, 1,3% Bggé IIIBPBCWN of8W3m 9 » ···*‘‘ 36,;, 69; pensions, ,,__, 96, 97, 138, 1%;,,3620, collection of revenue from lands,44. 1 6 7, 6 _ ' public buildings,. .97, 139, 361, 688 registers and receivers, Su1‘\'ey0rs·generu.l and their penitentiary,. · .··. _ 1 I 1 {rel clerks, . 97, 98, 189,277, 861, public buildings, r¤p¤¤‘8 fmf,5 Q,,;_ GM 688, 689 of, . . .102, 103, 143, 144, 36 ,,3: ,144 recorder of land titles in Mis- public grounds, .. 102, 103, 6;; rg; souri, .. 98, 139, 361, 689, 690 _ 3 91 war department,.98, 139, 140é 277, 361, Presidente house,... .102, 108, 1;;, 694 36 , 689, 690 '· ollice of secretary and assist- auxiliary guard,  :.103, 144 ants, .. 98, 139, 140, 361, 689 draw-keepersatthePotomacbrzdges,144, adjutemt-general, .. 98, léig, I mm ws to ejbé, 694 ‘ , conveying e ec vo s quartermaster-general, 98, 13,92 140, government, . . . . 103 3 ‘ 689 rent 0 court·rooms a s ge os paymaster—genera1; . 98, 99,,139, California, to be paid, ...,. 103 140, 362, 689 payment not to exceed $3000, . 103 commissary·genera.l, 98, 99, 139, Attorney-General’s omce, . 105 140, 362, 689 Washington aqueduct, ... 106 surgeon-general,. . .98, 99, 139, 140, how to be expended, . . 106 362, 690 omce of Engineer of Potomac Watopographical engineerféb. 598, 99, ter-Works abolished,. . 106 , 62, 690 repairs, furniture, &c., of cu.stomchief engineer, 98, 99, 140, 3,63, houses, courtroom, and post-of· 9 iice, .. 1% colonel of ordnance, 98,3%% purchaises and conatfacts, except for E- , sona servi ·es, c. to be made r N. W. Executive Building, 99, 140, advertisingcfor proposals . . . 103 277, 863, 690 bow to be made when immediate building corner of F and 17th · delivery, &c., is required, . .103, 104 Streets, 99, 140, 278, 363, 690 not to be made unless authorized navy department, 99, 140, 363, 690 by law, or under an appropriation secretary’s office, . .99, 148, 363, 690 therefor, .. 104 assistant secretary, . . .27 , 363, 690 td d bureausa.99, 100, 140, 141, 363, 690 cxggntg ;<1:rc1§th111v;y&ci?el1 104 additional clerks, in, . 278 arm , or military supplies, ofa patented S. W.Execut1ve Building, 100, 141, invention, or right of using patented P0 wdep (mt 100 ignvention, not to be bought, unless, s , . » c., ... · . ... 104 _ l 864, 690 war debt of California to be paid .. 104 general post-office extension, .. 100 no payment to be made beydnd unpagmdnginting for executive ld; 141 expended appropriation, 104 1.,. ...4 eager; ‘ nu °‘2§?.?2’2$‘i12,€.‘l‘?“‘°° ’“"*" °‘ "““‘ is statement of commerce and navi— arrears due authorts of. •garon,..._ .. ... 141 1 ‘ ·· · biennial register to be made under amedp gm}? e§p?dm°n’ to be palm "H4 th d. ti f S uu o re ning at the branches of e 1rec_ on o the ecretury of the mint and at the · tH· ‘ the Interior . 141 N · · assdyo be m mint 1 1;... ‘ ms‘1¤a‘ at 142 -°“’ -*9*- °° ‘*.'¤·M» rm M- M »· ·· 2,,é 364 69i 6gé capitol in I5€}Yt§‘I€X\C0, ... 110 , , _, uupar 0 emoncytobeex nd 1 New Y°l'k “¤$Y‘°m°°»· · ·100»  ;)1ll_l};la¤s, &c., for complegon if . . _ p ull 5 ms territories, g0V€IDm€Dm·1§é5 légé apprd;l¢§da1>yuSe;·Ie¥;.g;)r0.1t€l`d;e1:s€ judiciary,,',.---101,142; 143:365693 H hthury, .. 110 m_ A _ · g_ ouse at Oswego, New Yo k, . 110 0 oe of ttorney General, 150,% old Senate chamber to be mad; courtexpleanpées of private 1:;r5d—elaims in and Old c°mm°m I"' ml` No reporter, 102 143, 365 apgmprmuou how °X?°"d°d· ···· ·- H9 district women,. , , , , , , ,,.102, 143, 365 gogvma ox, the court of claims,. 110 marshals, 102, 143; 365 bmmdmly of Cmfm" no