Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1419

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IN DEX. 1867 . _ r as ; Mqqnctzc Telqqmph, (continued.) A Mail Stations, Pm payrnents tocease when contractors for certain contractors west of the Mistail to comply with contract, 42 sissippi, to be reserved, ... 70, 71 gouernment to have prior right to use reservations to be sold when stations are lines,.. . . .. 42 abandoned, . . . . 71 and rnay connect same by lines with Mail Steams/tips, _ military posts,. . .. ... : . 42 from Charleston, vid Savannah, to Key lines to be open to use of all citizens,. . . 42 West, . . .. 112 rates of charges for transmission 0H3Q1G- Ma{IaI>Ie Matter. See Post-Ofice Department. grams, 42 maps, engravings, &c., books, cards, branch line to Oregon may be built,.. . 42 blank or printed, seeds or cuttings in _ right of way, &c., 42 packages, deemed to be, 169 if government business at ordinary rates postage thereon, . 169 exceeds contract price, excess to be description of different kinds oi,. . . .704, 705 reported to Congress, ... 42 divided into three classes, ..., 705 use of line to be free for certain scientific rates of postage upon, . 704-709 purposes, . .. . . . 42 Mails, telegrams to be impartially transmitted, 42 transportation of foreign, or domestic, act may be altered, &c., ... 42 by steamship, for postage, 88, 89 Mail Contract. See Post-Office, Past Routes. preference to be given to American on route number 8076, extended so as to steamships, when, &c., .. .. .. 39 expire as on route 12,578,. ... 169, 206 transportation ot§_to Olympia, Oregon,. 39 on route number 13,564, .. 205 appropriation for transportation of the,. 168, Mail Contractors. See Post-Ofice, Post Routes. 381, 646 for service through territories west of Maine, Mississippi may have certain land en- annual direct tax apportioned to, .. 295 tries confirmed, 70 appropriation for erection of temporary patents to issue, if terms of con- works of defence in, ... 348 tract are complied with, &c., 70 post-routes established in, . 416, 573 no new rights to be acquired under act act to quiet certain land titles in the late of 1865, ... 70 disputed territory oil . . . .540, 541 mail stations to be reserved, &c., . 70, 71 place of holding the September term of reservations to be sold when stations district court in, changed, . . . 575 are abandoned, 71 provision for process, . 575 laws granting preemption rights to, re· Major-Generals, peeled, . . .. 71 of volunteers, not over six to be apfor daily overland mail to C811fo1'D12»,i;, 1;;; pointgi, ... _. .t . . , army 0 cers appom e 0 re in ran ,. on mail-route 8076 in Texas,. .. 169, 170 requisite number to be appointed, . . 274 on man—route 12,578, entitled to present four to be added to regular army,. . 280·pay while, &c., .. . . 206 each to have three aides to be taken provisions do not apply tolocal con- from captains,. 280 necting routes, . 206, 207 number not_t0 exceed forty,. .: 506 Mail Routes. See Post-Qjioe Department. thirty additional, may be appointed,. , . 699 certain, established in Kansas, . lg M ka, how‘to be selected, ... 699 appropriation for service on, ... a zs, proviggnsp concerning those numbered appropriations for the,. 1 6. 232, 523, 786 8076. 12,578,and l3,564,..169, 170, 205,206 treaty between the United States and, connecting with or intersectingrailroads, of Jan. _31, 1855, preamble, contractthe Postmaster-General may change,. 421 mg parties, &c., .. : . 939 Mail Service. See Post-Office, Post Routes. cession of lands to the United States, in Kansas, appropriations, &c., for, 4, 16 boundaries thereoi ..,... 999 between California and Washington reservation, boundaries, .. 959 Territory, ... 69, 70 to set sport, surveye , &c.,. to be six times a week between whites not to reside thereon, 939 Sacramento and Olympia, . 69, 70 unless, &c., Z . . compensation, .. 69, 70 foreign Indians not to reside 941 ocean service from San Francisco to thereon, without, &.c., . Olympia to be discontinued on per- roa,dsmaybertrnthr0ugl1,dam- 939 formance of this, 69, 70 ages be ptud,_ . . . . between east of Rocky Mountains and other ihendly tribes may be 940 any state or territory on the Paci- placed thereon,. . fic, 205, 206 tribeyto settle on on wz 940 to or- a eu, .. ounigjé f 169, 206 · where Anhay resideuneangrzlnilg- 940 on mail-route 8076 in Texas,. . 169 rights of I rpig, sc g, ., 940 on Butterfield route, .. 169, 206 cured to n agsii on mail—route 13,564 in Llgnnesgtaié . , 205 notftocitézens e · r 940 b steamshi between ew or an s,. . ._ . ySa,n Franriisco, . ._ ...,... 133, 170, 205 ps.yrp1e)nvtst(11)l;`;;i;e)l13£ni;:ed States,. . . "’§’,Y§j‘T‘T'T?.‘?‘TT’.?¥’¥’TT’¥’TT‘TY’?T‘7.??T’T’2‘s§’.€, so President FI bieminformed of 940 on route 13,564, to be semi-weekly, 664 wishes o u s, .