Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1427

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INDEX. 1875 Wim mmm) nu Muze, B., **°“' o ons, ‘ · W, om cers , reporting themselves m.- ”* “;t:&2£.E22:;*N1:,s¤*m€";>°· fr f. Hble to do duty, when ordered, or in Mine 199,,,,;,-;,,,, smut} W,"]:,:;:,, mcg' 8"0 any way mcapacitated to have their ' " ’ cases referred to a board, ... 291 apinrgpll Rliexpen of maugunb 114,

>;ru<%eh;>vgfc<;(mlpgsed, duty, &c., .. gl Miltim0re,,Edw¢mL' l r l i o l l l l I _ l H U nl'`

_ _ . sworn, . 1 children f ‘ decisioné report, and eifect oi} when ap- Mineral Land: l to be restored to mhmvuv 67 prove , .. . 291 r "ms a _ what officers be be retired and how, 291 P lhorlztetd?. ll. . Ol; not u 410 may have a hearing ifthey demand 291 noglfcngbjsfg 3 provisgons of act go re— O. . . .. I. . t .. . .. . . D B 3 privileges and liabilities of retired om- of public lan}; ey an wl 410 cern, . _ . 291 Minors. See Enlistment. l _ l · l · I l l I l I _ duty may be assxgned them, .. 291 enlistment of} in army, ... 889 Milztary Posts,. serving in the war, in the army or the _ of the United States, telegraph lines to, 42 navy, either as regulars orvolunteers Jlditary Roads, to have the privileges of homestead in W&Sh1Hgt0H Territory, appropriation act, ... 893 for, ... 19 Minors Ledge Ltyhz-House, Fort Benton to Walla-Walla, . . . 19 appropriation for, 107 Stexlacoom to Fort Vancouver,. . 19 Minister Resident, _ where to be expended, . 19 in Greece, special appropriation for,. . . 752 appropriation for completion of certain, Ministers, ge., in New Mexico, . 208 of the United States in China, Japan, from Fort Union to Santa Fé and and Siam, to have judicial powers, from Taos to Santa Fé, 208 &c., in addition to powers imposed by from Fort Wilkins, Michigan, to Fort treaties, 72-79 Howard, Wisconsin, lands’ granted to as to crimes and misdemeanors,. .. 72 Michigan and Wisconsin to aid in as to civil rights, . 73 construction of, 798 provisions of act, as to crimes and offenmode of construction oi . 798 ces, extended to Turkey, 76 to be public highway and free to the and to civil cases, where the law of United States, 797, 798 Turkey permits, .. . 76 Militia. See Volunteers. provisions of act extended in a certain appropriation for year ending June 30, degree to Persia, ... 78 861, to pay those called into the ser- and to Morocco, Muscat, Tripoli, vice of the United States, .. 255 and Tunis, 78 the President may call forth and em- civil and criminal jurisdiction, how to ploy when, &c., 281 be enforced, ... 73 when so called, to be subject to articles to prescribe forms of process to be used of war, ... 282 by consuls, . r. . 73 to be continued in service, until dis- 282 mode of executing and return there- 73 char ed, .. o , . . . . ' bu? not beyond, &e., unless, &c.,. .. 282 form of trial, oaths of witnesses,.. . 73 pay, rations, and allowances, .. 282 costs and compensation of otiiuers,. 78 penalty on officers and privatcs of} for bonds and appeals,.._ .. 73 disobedience to orders of President, 282 regulations and decrees to be m writing, seventy-five thousand called out,.Appendix, &c., r C. 73 Proc. No. 3 consuls to assent or dissent in writadditional called for,.Appeudix, Proc. No. 6 ing, ... Z . . . ... 73 not to be mustered into service on cer- to be published with consent, &c., tain conditions, 339 and thus become binding, unul when called fbi-th by the President for annulled, &c., by Congress, . 73 service, call to specify term of service, 597 to take edect from what time, . 73 term not to exceed nine months,.. 597 to be sent becretary ot §tate, to to be mustered and continued for laid betore Congress ior revissuch term unless sooner discharg- xon, . . .. ., _. . .: .. 74 ed, ... 597 to prescribe modes of authenticating President to provide for enrolling, &c., complaints on which warrants tor in certain States, ... 597 arrest issue,". ... Z . 74 enrolment to include whom, .. 597 to adjudxeate dually upon certain ap·4 7 how apportioned, 597 peals from conuuls, &c.,. . Z .. . _.7 , 6 when called into service, how organiz- to decide finally all cases coming to him 5 ed, ... 598 by appeal, _.: _. .. 7 Mlk Laclndirms, to issue process to carry decision mm not to be compelled to leave their reser- efect,. : . . . . . . _. ... 75 vation, ... 1251 to prescribe rules for granting new 75 Mille Lac Reservation, trials, . _. .:  : . . ceded to the United States, ... .. ..1249 approval by, of convictions an cap; 75 Miller, J. J., cases, . _ .. _ .. payment of claim oi;. 791 may postpone capital executions, .. 75