Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1451

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P08t· Office Department, (conf d uu an amount of bid not ltdusxuieed . 169 PN:-OEM D°Pa”me”t’ (°°°°i““°d·l· n Denver Cm, and Great Sm ii]; Hymqng tc, to be made from wlw.1: fund, 408 Cu to be Su U , ws giving preference wAmericam over Y PP ed semi weekly yo . without chzmgh 69 J£cngxHsteamshxps repcaled, . Z, . . 382 ‘°“§§;‘”‘“‘ ‘° g° **"°°¢** in *"¤*>* ¤»·»`$ZZZ» t逤“¥?§ELY$°E,3“éY§'L’§,`§ ¤, ·.. : . 169 gg " “° §;;Pf’l‘: {rw i¤l ¤¤i¤y—¤ve 1 l¤l’i»é`A£»£`1eL§'£l};;` Q$H¤€.}Aé»$£u1i,3,ZI paénphlet, gnaguzirie, and pag,:;); to exceed $2O’000 P" ‘"" 382 W by m£?.1»»?p, 1W.?? 169 °°‘2€f;'§L’I§}.£G’f§°€J‘cE?;‘L F'“"°‘““° ““‘l 647 mailZ§.2€L“IJ€ZZ°r`ZZ”£‘§B?3‘2LS323d;; wg "°§f,';‘“°;°'·‘T*°P·*’*‘ ¤r=~>’¥*·¥é$ as :,0 expire with Butterfield route,.. 169, ing gvitllxlill tzldilogdddgh _ 170 ’ ggpgf S¤"·<;¤» *10;]*, pM- ·_ ---·----.-. 110 wld:}?? sI»L£i.§s` L}~`Q{,;L·i;i ’.{g;.;é; 421 (ary s eams 1p service may be S ’ giovxeled between New M d sm ,,.,ml‘;; §‘€m};4,;; an ;;.m¢ M mncisco, . 170 B »dg· d M _ _ " ‘ £;§ ;<;¤ ;;cxgeéecg ?0%0g0, .. 170 undiawgi ’bq¤;$Zés Or` )£;S5é6{»L§l{t§$»}é 647

 Y l1 0 M MW    ;a?c agplncuble  to defl;:i0ncics,  647
; .   ... s cr 0 appro rmt , & -_,

°°i;°;5§T f>t°¤‘W·¤¤ 1‘¤¤¤€¤, hcw W ggy for bland) agen); alnllpnésgilimnlts, 647 discontinuance of mails since March 4, Frmlexgg bdgzgggvzilg 1859, w be inquired inw, and service Island, 647 be restored, ... ... 204 limit of appropriation, . 647 no ggfmge made without assent dg!g;;g·yé;i ?N89cng Qjgy and Tm,- no pay to be allowed for delivery of at, Agtdggngld Portland Ore- 647 freglettigs emdnegvsgapers except gon, .. . . I , 647

 ln n.Smgb0u, . .,. . at P ;A { W l·

restrnctmn of pay of route agents re- Tegiimryllgé fs?. . . .1} 647 pes;led, .: .. . t. 204, 205 ma,il·service on mute 13,564 to be semilaw requmng dead letters m Califorma, weekly, ... 664 Oregon, and Washington to be sent v0 overland mail company may occupy San Frnnsisgzo, repealed, 205 publig lands at stations, . 664 now c sen o gene pcs · to ave· preemption rights ... 664 c50e, . ,... . 205 in lieu of former, .. , 6 64 no person except Postmaster-General to act amending the laws relating to, . 701 set up any foot or horse-nest, .. N5 Postmaster-General to appoint, &0., postpay of special agent for Pacific count,. . 205 masters, where salary is less than

 from New York to San Francisco. $1000 per year, . .. 701

vw Panama, three limes a month,. . . 205 the President appoints all others, .. 701 repayment to Franklin Haven and mo- postnmsters to reside within the delivcmtes, 205 ery of their omccs. ..,. 701 deduction be be first made, 205 all persons connected with, and with mail contract on route 13,564, in Mime- carrying the mail, 1:0 mkc oath, be- 80m, extended . ... sides oath of office . ... 701 maihservice in central overland route to form of oath,. . 701 California, 205, 206, 882, 647 employees not taking oath, liable to same tc ézonncct with Denver City and penalties as though theg took it, 702 real: Salt Lake City, .. mail matter not to be elivercd until pony express 206 posmve is paid, . . , ..i.. 702 pay to contnictnrs, ... 206 boxieull to be prepaid, 702 contmcmrs on route 12,578 entitled to pcstmasbers to keep record of postagegwo months contract payus liquidated stqmgésfnd eméelopes, books, &c., rc· amnges, ... . .. ceive rom pre eccssor ,... if contractors on route 12,578 fhil to ac- records to be delivered io gnccessor,. 702 cept such modification ofcontmct, con- to be open to examination of agents tract to be annulled, and new contract 5f:egurtmen•:,.. . . . 702 made . uuus usmess a qpcs office, muse appropriations therefor, . .. 206 of a. military or naval force near, to this provision not to apply to local have extra compensation, .. 702 routes connected therewith, . 206 postmasters to report quarterly amount new contract may be modified, or discon- of emoluments, .,.. 702 tinued, ... 206 not to receive or retain more than reasonable damages to be paid con- salary, .,.. JOE tractors, .. . 207 quarterly account to be sworn to, .. Egg repeal of imonsistent laws,. . . 207 form of oatlh,. . ... ... 4 twenty-five additional clerks for dead- false gwcanng in, in be pumshed as letter office, ... 381 pcqury, ...