Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1455

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NDEX 1403 r- arm: 0 U ud 5 · "‘“‘ . . · i ¤ "°” gééeogqudufggh gocoritiuucdlu 625 Preudentof the lZatod_S¢ates, (continued.) Pm ma d _1 ‘ :.. , courte-martial m the peniugpijnpy in ga °"; ”"Yh °m¤€¤‘¤ ¤> mspect me District or common ’ 589 m.m2}’°&c.,Y?77‘T . . .Y`?T . .‘YT’T. .‘T?’“'...”. 388 *355 23d "“°’ °‘* ““"°’ "‘° §3,?“;;*{ 59, may order vessel; of mu- to rch ’ `'` ’ '‘'‘’ ’ . * gelsnfuspected of having seooliesnosn m}3ie“\§Y§2§:e Plame? pi:-reoa gm , .. . . 841 · , ’ _ " duxpeaoi if *3;; appropriations for mggmricgilrzn board alglevsssels, 592, or an c e ences, 843 ‘ · ’ `°`' " ' to appoint commissioner in joint com- mnnvgmxbzagré (egifpir m the umm 596 gngiion to protect the Atlantic Bah- 369 may p;1hcl1ast; cemetery 596 duty under oct abolishing slavery in may umpzrseraagzuotgg-o1;]nm::·i?m’· the District of Columbia, 376, 877 may appoint judge advocate in the expenditure of appropriation &c., . , ... , 598 Itgbaggacolonuatiou to Hayti and 378 may employ persons 599 to appoint m;;;.;;};:.;,;;.;';; ”‘;‘a’;i3’?$i“¤§%‘}‘£‘12.‘?ai°El&'c‘;2£“0l‘;r€.*12 Denver, . . 382 grade, without regard to seniority 617 to appoint a commissioner of agricul- to cause resolutions in memory of ture,_  :. ._ .. 387 s.dier·Geneml Nathaniel Lyon to be to appoint oommmsiouers to revise and read at head of every regiment in the codiiy tbe laws of the District of army,. . . . . 611 Lolurnbm, I 403, 682 to cause medals of honor to be prepared, 623, to aréplomt chaplain for pennanont hos- 624 pi s, . 403 tocminet0L' t tJ.S.W duties and powers, under act to reduce dgn,n;€1;?l:;anks olclaldnngrless, . 622 the expenses of survey and sale of toCagtaiu Andrew H. Foote, thanks public lands,.: . 409, 410 ongress, ... 626 may discontinue, &c.,1¤.nd-offices,.. 409 to appoint eight medical inspectors in may appoint diplomatic representatives the army, . 638 to Hayu and Liberia, , . . 421 to issue his proclamation in regard to to proclaim in what states the insurrec- West Virginia, 634 tion exists, 422 to appoint the commissioned officers in to appoint board of tax eommis· the revenue cutter service, . 639 snoners in such states, .. 423 duty under act for collection of taxes in duty of]_uuder the tax act, . 432, 433, 445 insurrectionary districts,. ... 640, 641 to appoint two directors in the Union under act authorizing volunteer Pacido Railroad Qompany,  :. 491 force Kentucky, . GQ, 642 to appoint commissioners to ascertain to appoint register of deeds for the Duand report upon completion of por- triet of Columbia, . . 657 tions of such road, . 492 to appoint commissioners to determine to determine certain points of location damages sustained from cumin bands of route of road, ... .495,496 of Sioux Indians, .. 653 width of track of road and branch- 495 to appoint assistant register of the trees- 656 es, ... ury, . t no settle terms upon which other roads 4 6 solicitor of the war dgpfnnment,. . . 656 may connect, .. 9 toautnorize persons to orm nties may appoint agent for Grand River and of heads of departxncuts, &c., in case Wintah Indians, in Colorado Terri- 499 of absgnce or inability,. .  : . 656 tory . power o to grant par ons, nn reuns- _ to appoint; additional surgeons and as- sions otpemltieg and forfe1tures,.6o6, 6::7 sisumt surgeons of volunteers, .. 502 may fill vacancies in levy court of Wasl1· duty under act establishing a land dis- mgton County, D. C., .. 658 trict in the Territory of Nevada, 503 to appoint assistant collector at Jersey limit upon authority to appoint major- City, .. _ .., 658 generals and brigndier-generals, . 506 to set apart lands for the Winnebago Innmy appoint military storekeepers, 509 dmns, and remove them from Mmueduty ot, under act reorganizing the som, . I .1. _. . _ . . 658 navy department,. .1 .,. _ . 2.. 510 under act dividing cngan m Gigs 662 may declare treaties with certmn Indian Judicial district; .. _. . , r tribes abrogated by such tribe, ,. 528 to appoint territorial oiilcers of Arizona, 660 duty, &c., under act. to carry into eifect duty otZ under the act to provide a nathe treaty with Great Britain for the tional currency, 6§6, 666 suppression of the slave-made, ... 531 appointment of mqorgouerals and br1g~ 6 may appoint ten acting midshipmeu adieogenemls,. . .7 .. .,.. 99 from sons of officers, &o., .. 565 ternoorml officers of or o an 701 duty oC under act to establish and Tlakom,. ._ . . 700, 701 equalize the grade of line officers in r _ to appoint certgnn poqtnnastersi.: . 726 the navy, .. 584, a>8o to appomt caslxxer of internal uues,. . . appointments of midshipmen, . 58o duty ot} under not to enroll aud ca1l?§1{·737 power and duty of, as to convicts by the national forces, .. ...,... von. xr:. Immx-179