Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/148

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118 THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ras. 25. 1860. mizpscmggggt Sm. 3. And be it further enacted, That said Superintendent shall for manusonprs, take charge of and be responsible for all manuscripts and other matter to &°· be printed, engraved, or lithographed, and cause the same to be promptly executed. And he shall render to the Secretary of the Treasury, A°°°¤¤*·¤· quarterly, a full account of all purchases made by him, and of all printing and binding done in said office for each of the houses of Congress, and for each of the executive and judicial departments. For the payment of m£g”;*:°¤ °*` the work and materials, there shall be advanced to the said Superintend- Yent, from time to time, as the public service may require it, and under such rules as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, a sum of money, at no time exceeding two—thirds of the penalty of said Superintendent’s bond. And the said Superintendent shall settle the account of his receipts and disbursements in the manner now required of other dis- _ Rates of print- bursing officers: Provided, however, That said Superintendent shall not mg' be allowed credit at the treasury for payments on account of services rendered in said printing establishment, at higher prices than those paid for similar services in the private printing and binding establishments of ’ the city of Washington. msplperingppclgpliz Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said wish ‘;§Q“;‘,S Superintendent to charge himself, in a separate book to be kept therefor, &c.,mqgivqd,gw_W1l.l1 all paper and other materials received by him for the public use, and to furnish the same to the foremen employed by him, on their requisitions, herein provided for, as the public service may require, taking a receipt in all cases therefor from the foreman at the head of the depaart- _ _ ment in which the paper, or other material, has been used. bi¤f,llnl;“'£;¤8;° Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That all the printino and bindinv bg .;,,,,.,’,,,,,{g,. and all blank books ordered by the heads of the exeeutiv?-1 and judiciail direction of Su- departments of the government, or of the chiefs of the bureaus thereof P°'l“““d°“*· and all the printing and binding, and all blank books ordered b Comvress, or by either house of Congress, shall, on and after the fouirth daily of? Pmvm March, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, be done and executed under said ‘ Superintendent, in accordance with the provisions of this act: Provided, 'Ihat all the priming ordered, and to be ordered, by the Thirty-sixth O°¤3*`¢$$» shall be executed by the printers of the Senate and House of Representatives, as now authorized by law- but no rint' b` d` other than that ordered by Congress or the heads lbf dglgartiiueilllsug superintendent aforesaid, shall be executed in said office. P i whim charge of Sec. 6. And be tt further enacted, That it shall be the duty of said mmq,. °,d,,8dmSupeuntendent to receive from the Secretary of the Sen t d h be prmt¤d,6w. Clerk of the House of Representatives and from the headae fail t 8 ments and chiefs of bureaus, all matter ,ordered to be rintedb ahd bipartor either pripted or bound, at the public expense, andlino keep a faitlladiil accounto the same in the o i ‘ . and when the same ,shall havhdbleerll lpiidtlhtihdndalble ndaxfbc mcmvedi; 01‘<l61‘6d to be bound, see that the volumes or sheets a mm , 1 lim Same IS to the officer of the Senate, or House of Re resentaihpmmptdy dehvemd authorized to mm., the me, ..4..n, m.,;,,'; th.,..;.,, §§;u°}`,. §*’T$i‘"F“” Smdm of *'0§€;:1‘,7bygzjuperintendent, of their delivery. S mem g:,{:°,,€°ff m_ Prgntplg for the twIl:h:u Cdhg1:dh(;’ sliallihglgg ahdliixcdpinmitteg (dn ¤°¤¥¤» #1 o paper for the Pm1m,,, d _ H 2 S ¤ - than ¤ ocuments, to we ¤h not less ms,,;,;?.;,:. :ln£i'r‘,;}.`1L`i‘l‘é.$°.L*?itr€2Zi°1°ii.‘iiZ f.i§"Zl‘hZhS§§i’ §ipZ`hZ§"`i°“i bi prandwm e u ic rintin tofu ‘ · Eu in ° w...Z:1.’j timer, as to .n€...ts.I`Z`.Ti.'.EPiZB§,icS“d “”"d”d "“‘*’°" ‘° ”P‘?1‘°“‘“ ' largest Simulation in the cities of Qégston ]?rzvT(;:r;8v?£,¥:;]S1;]?vm:Ea§€i° more incinn‘ . - ’ . · P ms - £l*>W,??¤;¤¤s, zdddcghgiogvhtzgggf £;‘;l;“;‘;,°;l;X§¤}1?)s;¤. Qharlestqln, rstq u Jo,. _ prior o the y sealed proposals to furnish the government of the United