Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1481

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IN DEL 1422 Sizrvey ry" Public Lands Pm Sw . 2 an appropriations for; ., , 218 ’ · A Surveying Dwtncts, sud r th Y lu mm'! m§m¤€!',· · . . 372 Utah and Colorado to make one .. 409 pd us chosen' to have hen on me of Nevada, may be added to California, 409 $$1 I pm-t of mommy my of ummm

 Exp6di¢i0]l8’   • n: • • • • •• - ¤ Z n • ·• u »• • • ¤ •  

S preseyiptign of collections of, . 350 sum I (mms or Paying E glmwr 372 oijige ot; at corpus c1»1¤u,¤b¤1ani¤1,.. 43 °rg§;;t;:l:£:°g a p°`y`r°u f" ° 372 t 1. " ,' ,8 » y-.··...:..:··..•... SurvayW‘»2ie'l;ra2sisc0 alary ot} estabhshed, 411 sutle; 3 5:11 Iggy argclss m11st, .. 372 in California, duty of} in connection with to have no gladly? lla · I 372 surveys and plats of private land- pa of ofii - gym] one Sud (ef - claims,. .. . .. 38, 34, 409 plaoeycf sale lazldodrldldln,  : h I . dS"' 3*3 for Colorado, appointment, duties, &c., once in fifteen days,?? .. I T`sP°°t°° 373 fosllpéédé .. us, 40s, 413 report thereof to be mae, . I I I ars , .. . ... 214 no_person to act as sutler except accordfor Dakota, . : . . . 244 mg to this my _ _ _ _ 373 of New Mexico, to act as register and and only for one . • I I - I l I 373 receiver, .. 410 notto d -l t. . of any lnndjoffice, may required to to giv¢;l:n§ ignited credit toenlist- 373 act as register and receiver, . 410 ed men 373 salary oi in California, Oregon, Wash- wagons and transportation. h I . . · I U 373 ington,_Utalx, and Nevada, ... Z . . 410 sutlers violating this act to be of any district, may survey townships and ineligible to reappointment, . 373 gn: written application of settlers, 1t] 410 oiiilcer not to receive presents from sutbuweyms &_.éuS[O];1s’ .. . Sum, .. 373 powers oi) at certain ports of delivery, 255, S pension to, . . 888 _ 256 wan Oreck and Black Ever C'/si ewas, ct cl

T8·G¢rI87;d] and tlmr Clerks, the Munsee or Christian 7ndianafPn

appropriations for,.97, 98, 139, 361, 368, 688 treaty with, of July 16, 1859, ... . .1105 SW`V6y0TS·G¢n¢#`¤!, intention of this treaty, .. 1105 pay, &c., oi, in Colorado, Dakota, and former reservations to inure to the benguweygevada, . ..277,278 pst of the Swan Creek, &c., Indiansum » , ereon, ... for lighthouses, how to be made, .. 63 Muusee, &c., Indians to be united with settlers m townships not mineral or re- the Swan Creeks, &c., ,. 1106 served, may have surveys made, &c.,. 508 portions of land to be assigned to memapplication to be in writing and deposit bers of united bands, . ... ...1106 made, .. . .. 503 proceedings in such case, . 1106 Surveys of Private Land- Claims. See Public portions set apart for manual labor Lands, school, .. . . 1106 provisions concerning, 409, 410 portions to be hold in common, 1106 Surveys of Public Lands. See Public Lands. but may be assigned,.. .. . 1106 appropriation for, .. .19, 97, 108, 351 amount of reservation not to exceed, provisions concerning contracts for,. . . . 409 &c., . . 1106 prices ot] to be established, ... . 409 laws thereon, , . .. 1106 settlers of townships may have them 410 whites nogw permitted to reside thereon,1106 surveyed, if, &e., . . un ess, .,. ... Suspension Bridge, _ assignment of tracts of land, how made, Sudepprt of entry estabhshed at, ... 761 cefatggcékéé . . éédéé,. .éIh1106 lien on soldier's pay abolished, 331 what to contain, .. 1106, 1107 extra rights and privileges abrogated,. . 331 lands not to be alienated, , . .: . 1107 in volunteer service, act to provide for to he exempt from taxation, Cnc., . .1107 appointment oi] and to dedne their proceedings m case tracts assigned are duties, 371 abandoned, ... 1 1107 list of articles for sutlers to sell to be residue of former reservation to be sold,ll07 prepared, . . 371 mode of sale, ... .: ... 1107 to be posted in conspicuous place,. . 373 procceds of sale to belong to Cli1ppewzns,`ll0'I subject to revision, ... 371 allowance of money to the Indians, 1107 not to contain intoxicating liquors, 371 hovr to be raised, . _ ... .: . .1107 copy to be furnished to certain oil 371 appfoprmgonggmr stock, agricultural llD·1107 ii- .. . . emen , ., .,... price wah`:) adixed to each article in P froxn what source to be taken,.. . .El11O7 list, ... .. I . 3 71, applplolpgmtion for schoobliouse an 1107 to e orte or approva .., e , ... : . . , . mayc depchanged not ofteder than residue of fund to be invested, and haw,1107 once in thirty days, 372 the Indians relinquish all claims un er110B sutler to be selected for each regiment, 872 _ former treaty, . 1108 by commissioned officers, . 372 right of yvay granted, .. _ . .1108 to be sole sutler,. . . .. 372 when this treaty takes effect, . .