INDEX. 1439 , nar · D on Wah£;Id0:LiiiaéycheDau;1;ig`iieii:(i»i>lEli]h‘i({’i .. 819 Wwappropriatidus for 19 98 99 189 140 n 1`€8€l'VMl0DS of to be surveyed, __ _ _ _ _ 819 *‘ ‘ r » » p , 277, S S. [mlm _ _ 278, 861, 862, 863, 689 Wulbach M Ee "’“·’? 7** additional clerks in offices in, . 277 me · ng-gh to 886 ggigopallplerks in, authorized, 833, 368 I ,..•••¤•••••••••a•••••• S,Smu0l ’&c-"-l..`,-.`
0 869 appoingment cg solidhii oil authorized,. 656
,.•-.••••••¤¤·•••s•¤••·•••· I' W%?_ Wagm, Cayuses, and Umamhm See Ward, Czlahnrlywaig/v·’appropnauou for, .. 6o6 M9 I'8{]01lS. to • s treaty between the United Smeg md, of , for lost land title , 540, 541 Jude 9, $1855, preamble, contracting and others, assigneesof Jacob Barker, par ies, .,. .,. 945 decision of court of claims against, ee?;; of lands to the United 945 W confirmed,. ... . 925 s, . .. . . areho . S [ emal R boundaries thereof,. .. 945 ow::-;; ofedisiiilery may erect for bondrese1;a)ti§oin,tbopi‘:.ilitdaries, . . 346 W hed warehouse, . 448 se s ,survey , ,. . a , whites not to reside thereon, rgodldgs deposited in bonded and public unless, &.c., i.. 946 stores, when to be withdrawn and roads may be run through,- _ dut1es_pa1d, . . 294 damages to be paid,. 948 if not withdrawn within time limited to may be surveyed into lots, and be deemed abandoned to the governassigned to individuals, . 947 ment,. 294 patents to issue, . 948 wharves, &c., at Staten Island, repairconditions and restrictions,... 948 ing, . .. 74 assignments of patents may be Wamhouse•,_Public, _ cancelled, . 948 goods in, provision concerning duties certain head chiefs to have 160 948 W <¥_1l,0undeZ'tariH` of March 2, 1861,.197, 198 acres ... . . are, mas ., tribes to settle on reservation within 4 W pgyment to, for professional services, .. 872 a year,. . I . . . 9 6 ar talislics, where to remainmeanwhile, 946 superintendent of census to furnish to rights of fishing and hunting re- Secretary of War, . . . .. 613 served to Indians, . . 946 Warrant, _ payments by the United States, . 946 of arrest for ollenoes, may be issued by how to be applied, . 946 certmuconsuls abroad,.. 74 pmvdsc mtliawa ally bands do not ac. 946 Wamni of delinquent collectors ce e to is trea y, ... agams p Indians to be remunerated for ex- of taxes,. ._ . 307 penses and improvements, _ 946 Wamngam, Lewis, d reservations maya be surveyed mto M7 acgounts as paymaster, to be settle , 898 l ts ndassi , ·., . . . anrihitiies not be taken to pay debts decision of fcourtgf clgims against ex- 912 of individuals, .. . 948 ecutors 0 , con rme , .. to be withheld from those who Washinglon, _ drink, &c., ardent spirits,: 948 grant of land to city ot} for a market- M tribes to preserve friendly relations,. 948 house, ,...,... 4 to pay for depredatiions, . 948 houseilidvzitcxbsccloluzugcifldabh ... 15 ts - 1 1 u , .. ucdedhetrflf . . 3 . . E 948 city may create a debt therefor, .. . 14 to submit to regulations, 948 limit and rate of mtcrlesti,. 14 United States to establish schools, United crates not to e ia e iere- 14 provide instructors, {rc., . Z.: . . 947 . ... i4 15 ‘°.f;".,£}'$Li‘.1,,'“.€.‘é¥"T‘f*T?":.‘E’¥‘?'?}‘?'f‘fi· at .nJt..“t:..., ,.·m,l% l.z_;.;t;,y;.;.1,* to expend $50,900 fordimildiups, while market-house continues there- 15 & .,two ears r ra - , ... Z ... ctdioduhereot]? . 947 wh;1 epowers harem csail- 15 to . . 947 use cofiveyed to, mr public suésois,. .. 27 Pic-tgoniox-mox to have dwelling 947 not to be sold, &c., or 0 sr 27 mend hdiise for tradingpost for five value] of certaiintolagdntca 91; ascermmed l£$‘L“.= "“ "‘°“"‘ °‘ Y“"“'”“ 94.1 M§l;·.”Z5325.a.. ,,.,5.., ,a‘;,;,g;4,;;l,, m · · . P - ton for expense o inaugural11g,... 1m•izi·gr;.i:ex?lg_T??§. mayor ot} to be one ot board 820 trea whentotake e ect,., . :,. , .. ,,};.é..._..; signiiture, ratification, proclamation, duty_oi, to furms tation houses for 323 &_ ____ 948,949.95O police, .. _ . : .. V ‘·*· ‘‘‘‘ for uelhn riots, suppress- Walla- Wadas provision q J. in 324 appropriations for the,. . .6, 10, 233, 524, 786 mg insurrection, , ,