INDEX. I 443 a Wrappers.. See Post-Ofioe Department. NG Yakamas, (continued ) mm W pngirmzittcr, may be regulated, &c.,. . 707 reservations may be surveyed into invalid pension to, for life, 858anriiiitiirrddridgllgixdegzel lt- I · l i l l i l A 953 Writings. See Stamps. debts of individualsa en to pay 954 provisions concerning stamps upon, Egg., 632, to be given free of,t:5s5,l 954 WMS QfETmr 3, 724 todbe vllitlglield from those who from judgments of the circuit courtto tribes torpiiederggfiaigsdlgvsgdlaiionsl supreme court in copyright and pa- to pay for depredations , 954 tent cases, to be allowed without re- to surrender otl“`enders I: 954 gard to the amount in controver- not to make war but in seltide. sy, .. _ ... . . 130 fence, .. .,.. . . 954 from the courts in Kansas and in Colo· United States to establish free com. m, Dakota, and Iwevada. See these mon schools, provide instructors, · & ., .. the United States may prosecute to the cto furnish mills mechanics 963 supreme court, without giving secu- physician medicine &c. . , 953 rity for costs, &c., .. 657 to pay salary and furnis’l1 hoiise costs, how paid, .. 657, 658 &c., to head chief,. .. 953 054 fi-omstate courts to circuit courts, in Kamaiakun is head chief, . I 954 actions against officers, for false ar— treaty when to take effect 954 rest &c., .. 757 ° t t'ii t' ,1 ' mit zope aims in comin . rm Slgdgfiéf T?}. .’T‘T`i ¥’TT`T’.7‘?“fT§%'§, on from circuit court to supreme court, 757 Yale, Moses, deieisiondof court of claims against, conrme .. . 923 Y. Yancton Land, District, ‘ established at, boundaries, &c., 244 Yzc}5s,t 467 Y register and receiver at,. . ... 244 u y upon, ., anctons, Yakamas appropriations for the . .56 57, 232, 238, 523, appropriations for the, 7, 57, 58, 233, 524, 786 l 7 527, 785, 790 treaty between the United States and, Yards and Docks, of June 9, 1855, preamble, contracting bureau ofQ established in navy departparties, &c.,. — .. 951 ment, . 510 cession of lands to the United States, 951 officers, &c., their salaries, . 510, 511 boundaries thereof; 951 transfer of appropriation for bureau ot) 631 reservation, boundaries, .. Sig appropriatiop folr bfuigeau of, 690, 691, 815 to be set apart, surveyed, &c.,. 9 ‘ contingent un o ureau of . 7 whites not to reside thereon, salary of civil engineer of bureau ot, 818 unless, &c., .. . 952 Yates, George, roads may be run through, -— decision of court of claims against, con- 922 damages to be paid, . 952 953 lirmed ... may be surveyed into lots and --—-, June,, _ assigned to individuals, . 954 pension to, during widowhood, 888 Wenatshapam fisheryreserved, 954 Young, Brigham, _ tribes to settle on reservation within accounts of, for. disbursements for Ina. year, ... 952 dian service in Utah, to be exam· 220 where to remain meanwhile, . . . 952 ined . rights of fishing and hunting re- -—-—, Gedrge, _ _ served to Indians, .. 953 amount of line for violation of the revpayments by the Unged States,. .. emjie lp} remitted to, .. 919 h to b a lie , ... ·-—— er: . _ _ Piidsideng tldp be informed of payment td, for subsistence to certain wishes of Indians, . 953 eipglgrating Indians, 59 t' f d 'm rove- .--- amos mlmgiig?. . . . 952] amount of hue remitted to, 919 vox.. xn. Iuoax-184
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