Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/15

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Coolie Trade, Prohibition of. An act to prohibit the "coolie trade" by American citizens in American vessels. February 19, 18132, ch. 27 340
Fortifications, Appropriation for. An act making one for the construction, preservation, and repairs of certain fortifications and other works of defence for the year ending thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and additional appropriations for the year ending thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. February 20, 1862, ch. 28 341
Illumination of Public Buildings. An act making an appropriation to illuminate the public buildings. February 20, 1882, ch. 39 343
Indian Affairs, Appropriations for. An act to authorize a change of appropriations for the payment of necessary expenditures in the service of the United States for Indian Affairs. February 22, 1862, ch. 30 344
Signal Service, Appropriation for. An act making appropriations for the signal service of the United States army. February 22, 1862, ch. 31 344
Army Appropriation. An act making additional appropriations for the support of the army for the year ending thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. February 26, 1862, ch. 32 344
Treasury Notes, Issuing and Redemption of. Floating Debt, Funding of. An act to authorize the issue of United States notes, and for the redemption or funding thereof, and for funding the floating debt of the United States. February 25, 1862, ch 33 345
Civil Expenses Appropriations. An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty and three, and additional appropriations for the year ending the thirtieth of June. eighteen hundred and sixty-two. March 1, 1862, ch. 34 348
Certificates of Indebtedness. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to issue certificates of indebtedness to public creditors. March 1, 1862, ch. 35 352
House of Representatives. An act fixing the number of the House of Representatives from and after the third March, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. March 4, 1862, ch. 36 353
Additional Clerks. Deputy Assistant-Treasurer at New York. Blank Checks for Sab-Treasury. An act to provide for the appointment of additional clerks in the office of the assistant treasurer at New York, and for other purposes. March 6, 1862, ch. 37 353
Oath of Allegiance. An act requiring an oath of allegiance and to support the constitution of the United States to be administered to masters of American vessels clearing for foreign or other ports during the present rebellion. March 6, 1862, ch. 38 354
Hanover, Appropriation to fulfil Treaty with. An act to fulfil treaty stipulations with Hanover. March 18, 1862, ch. 354
Articles of War. An act to make an additional article of war. March 18, 1862, ch. 40 354
Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Expenses Appropriation. An act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the government, for the year ending thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and additional appropriations for the year ending thirtieth of Jane, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. March 14, 1862, oh. 41 356
Atlantic Fisheries. An act for a joint commission for the preservation of the Atlantic fisheries. March 18, 1862, ch. 43 369
Columbia Institution for Deaf, Dumb, and Blind. An act to amend "An act to incorporate the Columbia Institution for the instruction of the deaf and dumb and the blind," and to make appropriations for the benefit thereof. March 16, 1862, ch. 44 369
Purchase of Coin. Demand Notes a Legal Tender. Amount of Temporary Deposits of United States Notes. Re-issue of Treasury Notes. An act to authorize purchase of coin, and for other purposes. March 17, 1862, ch. 45 370
Las Ormigas and La Nana Grants. An act authorizing floats to issue in satisfaction of claims against the United States for lands sold by them within the Las Ormigas and La Nana Grants, in the State of Louisiana. March 17, 1862, ch. 46 371
Sutlers. An act to provide for the appointment of sutlers In the volunteer service, and to define their duties. March 19, 1862, ch. 47 371
Assistant Treasurer at Boston. An act to provide for the appointment of clerks in the office the assistant treasurer at Boston, to fix their salaries, and provide for the absence of the assistant treasurer, and for other purposes. March 19, 1862, ch. 48 373
Pay to Officers, &c. in Department of the West. An act to secure to the officers and men actually employed in the western department, or department of Missouri, their pay, bounty, and pension. March 25, 1862, ch. 49 374
Prize Cases, Proceedings in. An act to facilitate judicial proceedings in adjudication upon captured