124 THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1, 2, 8, 5. 1861. nndenetoflseo, for undér the authority of the act entitled "An act authorizing a loan, and
- E£l8°t5*:°:°°;; providing fpr thehrediernlptioré of treasipaily pgtesgzézpprogedrgézne twenty-
3i3i2i' ‘"“"“’ $f.°2§‘..;,°1£f.t1°°E,w"‘é.E...”$.g“'.’§.‘§’5. .. t2 Lia. .f.T”'2$,“.°S S 5 8 ll V to replace in the Treasury any amount of said notes which shall have been paid and received for public dues, and for no other purposes. APPROVED, December 17, 1860. Deeebe17 Cn .II.—AnA mendth rthSeaion tIwAct thezldiuion Oregon 1d6G-! , $$0 the Union, syn? tz extend dgimh :dec:{ngSal¢ »{:ngs andidontigudda Land; 1sse,¢n. aa5g534. "' _ Vvl- ¤¤i· D- · Be at enacted by th2S'ena¢c and Hgzs; ¢rp‘;1Rep;;esen¢atz•;_es of the United _ 0 `ca in ongress assent , at the time or selecting the in:??! ¤ql¤¤*•· salt spr{ngs and contiguous lands, according to the provisions of the fourth _;m__,¤O"g°n,°"'"g°’ section of the act entitled "An act for the admission of Oregon into the extended. Union," approved February fourteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, be extended to any time within three years from the passage of this act, anyging in sahgectiop toltpelcépgrary notwithstanding. rnovnn, ecem er , . D•e¤nb• C . III.-A Act‘the P ‘ . .,.,.·¤· Hg,. mn U:... ...:r".2;#:m.··€::’.s:;·:.°;£·.:.*x- Be it enacted Zn; the Senate and Haus R entati the Ud A States of America in Congress assembled: 'giatdzufohowing (drums bejuddd Approprlaucns. the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not plthe$r1ii;tplppti·o`%>mawd,i{p: thelpagmgnt eg' pensions for the year ending 1 une, eng een uu re an si t -t . Invalid pensions. For invalid pensions, under various aets,Xt}i’red0hundred and eighty .th¢.;1`sand dollars. 1818, ch. 19. or-pensions under acts of e' hteenth M hhte h $8. :11:- 158- eighteen, fifteenth May, eighteen lhundred andr:v;e:§-eighlt, alhlddlsigeahnth Pemzm-W9;} Jupp, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, seventeen thousand dollars. M or pensions to widows of those who served in the revolutions war e in - — *7 · im: it ‘.11E.Z" .;.5 £}.‘§"1.1.°°§’é"2,$€..$ ifi} °f.€°`£E“‘ `”£"’ §‘gS’°°“ "““"“"‘ “"" 18·|3,eh.10B. thirdy March, eighteen hundred and fodiy-tdgequdievxethwghgh ddd; hgh: 1844,eh-10a. teen hundred and forty-four, second February, and twenty-ninth July 1g1g,;!;-30 eighteen hundred and forty-eight, and second section act of third Feb: 1858;°b;_u`· gzglieen hundred and fifty-three, one hundred and seventy thou— .»”£°'”“‘°’ .ai.`?§e5°£§§’§;13°.Z3“€£"t1§1‘}xYY.E1`€“.I?2§‘.2i’.$'.E£ZI 3T.‘i"°°-“§* `°°“T‘ "“"’ mania me any-eager, nm section sa r nr .1 F X ·y’ mg mn uudmd n.., .. .. at, e and ... eine J... J" 1. H'°" °*g"‘°°" "““‘*”°" °“" N in _ me me forty meusene aeuéeg un and my`°’gl"° ““`°° h““'
"M EEE213’“...'“”.i.".€°.I`.s€¥1i;.€`L'°.1‘.f?&"T,¥°t"’°‘”““‘§"°"“"‘.~
P¤¤¤i¤¤¤· ,- _ pansuner t 1 hA- 1s4s,¤n,1;;_ ighteen hundred and forty-eight, one hundredagnd Hityvihbusadd Approved, December 21, 1860. Januaryli 1861. Gnu. V.—-A A makiby .. --—·~—¢———— Bcf,. n. 1d..»°:...1»>.g r.£’,'.$Z.£.‘”£.Z$ZJ£ 'i‘.$..{‘.'f£.",’.3’..."°“"“”’ it th! d H· • himm 5.., .,.,.,..n.Z.’¢. e..,...,“12Z?°.Z ‘%£"i£Z‘F3€ZZ?§Q ETS eZ"?;? amy. e same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not