THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 20. 1861- 127 east on said parallel to the western boundary of the State of Missouri; thence south with the western boundary of said State to the place of beginning: Provided, That nothing contained in the said constitution respect- Provino. ing the boundary of said State shall be' construed to impair the rights of person or property now pertaining to the Indians in said Territory, so Indian rights to long as such rights shall remain unextinguished by treaty between the b° P’°“"'“· United States and such Indians, or to include any territory which, by E treaty with such Indian tribe, is not, without the consent of said tribe, to » be included within the territorial limits or jurisdiction of any State or i Territory ; but all such territory shall be excepted out of the boundaries, Q and constitute no part of the State of Kansas, until said tribe shall signify their assent to the President of the United States to be included within said State, or to afect the authority of the Government of the United States to make any regulation respecting such Indians, their lands, property, or other rights, by treaty, law, or otherwise, which it would have been competent to make if this act had never passed. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That until the next general appor- Quo representionment of Representatives the State of Kansas shall be entitled to one *°“'° in c°“‘ Representative in the House of Representatives of the United States. gm`°' Sec. 3. And be itfurilzer enacted, That nothing in this act shall be con- Congress does strued as an assent by Congress to all or to any of the propositions or “°* ”“°”*~ &°· claims contained in the ordinance of said constitution of the people of Progositiousw Kansas, or in the resolutions thereto attached; but the following prop· *’° 3;* mmad ‘° ositious are hereby offered to the said people of Kansas for their free WP at W ' acceptance or rejection, which, if accepted, shall be obligatory on the United States and upon the said State of Kansas, to wit: First, That sections numbered sixteen and thirty-six in every township of public School lands. lands in said State, and where either of said sections or any part thereof has been sold or otherwise been disposed of, other lands, equivalent thereto and as contiguous as may be, shall be granted to said State for the use of schools. Second, That seventy-two sections of land shall be set apart and reserved for the use and support of e. State University, to be selected State Univmity by the Governor of said State, subject to the approval of the Commis- ]"“d’· sioner of the General Land Oiiiee, and to be appropriated and applied in such manner as the Legislature of said State may prescribe for the purpose aforesaid, but for no other purpose. Third, That ten entire sections Lgudg rm- Put,. of land, to be selected by the Governor of said State, in legal subdivis-“¤b¤*m¤8$- ions, shall be granted to said State for the purpose of completing the public, buildings, or for the erection of others at the seat of government, under the direction of the Legislature thereof Fourth, That all salt springs S¤ltspring;nandwithin said State, not exceeding twelve in number, with six sections of °°“°'g°°"“ d“‘ land adjoining or as contiguous as may be to each, shall be granted to said State for its use, the same to be selected by` the Governor thereof within one year after the admission of said State, and when so selected to be used, or disposed of on such terms, conditions, and regulations as the Legislature shall direct: Provided, That no salt spring or land, the right Provko. whereof is now vested in any individual or individuals, or which may be hereafter confirmed or adjudged to any individual or individuals, shall by this article be granted to said State. Fifth, That five per centum of Percentage on the net proceeds of sales of all public lands lying within said State which land sales. shall be sold by Congress after the admission of said State into the Union, after deducting all the expenses incident to the same, shall be paid to said State for the purpose of making public roads and internal improvements, or for other purposes, as the Legislature shall direct: Provided, That the Pmvim com foregoing propositions hereinbefore offered are on the condition that the peo- ditions on which ple of Kansas shall provide by an ordinance, irrevocable without the consent £m”°”’ ’“'° of the United States, that said State shall never interfere with the primary disposal of the soil within the same by the United States, or with any regulations Congress may find necessary for securing the title in said soil to bona imgggizgctfyf fide purchasers thereofl Sixth, And that the said State shall never tax the {fwd gm,
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