Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/162

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132 THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 42. 1861. · .es 0 the Home of Resemlatives. -—-To supply the H~·»°°f°··'¥·'i°i·`i·°°x degnfiqgdbywidttlgzdzsmpdéuon for bindingddcuments required for the first Axggmm session of the Thirty-sixth Congress, fifty thousand dollars. ' For miscellaneous items, twenty-one thousand dollars. For folding documents, twenty-six thousand dollars. For furniture and repairs, and boxes for members, five thousand dollars. For stationery, six thousand dollars. · _ cmu,] kw,. To enable the Superintendent of the Capitol Extension to pay for labor sion. and materials used to carry out the resolution of the House of Representatives of twenty-first February, eighteen hundred and sixty, two thousand five hundred dollars. _ _ Printing and To supply deficiencies in the appropriations heretofore made for print- B¤P°*'· *0* 36**1 ing ordered by the Senate and House of Representatives at the first ses- °ug"’°s` sion of the Thirty-sixth Congress, and for paper for the same, one hundred and eighty-seven thousand eight hundred and sixteen dollars and thirty- eight cents. _ _ _ To supply the dehciency in the appropriation for. paper required for the printing hp;. the second session of the Thirty-sixth Congress, fifty thousand dol To supply the deficiency in the appropriation for theprinting of the second session of the Thirty-sixth Congress, thirty thousand dollars. Custonnhouss For the completion of the custom-house and post-office at the city of

¤;<;i§’· 04* St- Saint Lpuiishand fitting up and furnishing the same, the sum of fifteen

' thousand dollars. Suppression of To supply deficiencies in the fund heretofore appropriated to enable the ¤l¤*¤·¤‘¢·d¢· President of the United States to carry into effect the act of Congress of

 third March, eighteen hundred and nineteen, and any subsequent acts now

in force for the suppression-of the slave trade, nine hundred thousand dollars. For the compensation and mileage of Senators, thirteen thousand dollars. For the contingent expenses of the Senate, for miscellaneous items, three thousand dollars. msépts and I For the contingent expenses of the Senate and House of Representatives, viz: For additional police for the Capitol, payable by the Senate, one thousand and ninety-six dollars and ninety-seven cents; and for additional police for the Capitol, payable by the House of Representatives, one thousand and ninety-six dollars and ninety-seven cents. Rl8m' °°”'¤¤· To supply deficiencies in the appropriation for taking the Eighth Census, four hundred and thirty-seven thousand dollars. Bamgmf For expenses of select committee appointed under the resolution of M, House of Representatives of twenty-fourth December, eighteen hundred and sixty, five thousand dollars; and for expenses of select committee made by order of the House of Representatives of the ninth of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, three thousand dollars, making eight thousand dollars; and that the said sum shall be added to the miscellaneous item of the contingent fund of the House. wrliough audi- For expenses of removing the office of the Fourth Auditor of the ' ° °°‘ Treasury to the apartments assigned in Winder's building, and for cleansing, repairing, and furnishing the same, three thousand Eve hundred and eigpt dollspis apd éifty-Eve cents. Ijublic printing. o cna e e uperintendent of the Public Printin to carry into eife t ‘1l,.°:‘l,,§°’·]8°°· the provisions of the joint resolution in relation to dhs public printing, approved June the twenty-third, eighteen hundred and sixty, one hundred and thirty-tive thousand dollars : Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended until the title to the property purchased shall lésgteégieen exammed and approved by the Attorney General of the United