Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/170

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140 THIRTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 44. 1861. 055* of *<{P<>· For compensation of the clerks, messenger, and laborer in the omce of QW"` °"g1` Topographical Engineers, ten thousand six hundred and forty dollars. Ofihiefengi- For compensation of the clerks and messengeriu the omce of the Chief "°°'i Engineer, eight thousand two hundred and forty dollars. Ofcclouelcf For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the omce of the °“l"'“°°‘ Colonel of Ordnance, twelve thousand two hundred and forty dollars. Gontingenci Uontingent msc: of the War apartment. -- MW;," DW? Eq, Omoo of the Secretary of War; me For blank books, stationery, books, maps, extra clerk hire, and miscellaneous items, six thousand dollars. Omoo of the Adjutant General: For blank books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, including omce of judge advocate, two thousand two hundred dollars. Omoo of the Quartermaster General: For blank books, binding, stationery, miscellaneous items, and new furniture and bookcases, two thousand one hundred dollars. Omce of the Paymaster General: ‘ For blank books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, five hundred dollars. Omce of the Commissary General: For blank books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, one thousand two hundred dollars. Omce of the Chief Engineer: For blank books, binding, stationery, and riiiscellaneous items, including two daily Wa.shingtor2)pnpers, nine hundred dollars. mce of the Surgeon General: For blank books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, live hundred dollars. F bl k be ks, Omoo of Colonel of Ordnance: or an o inding, stationery, and miscellaneous items tive hundred dollars.` ’ Omce of the Colonel of Topovraphical Engineers: For blank books bindin stati n dll ’ g thousand two hundred dollar? onery, an misce aneous item , one ,,x d_ For the general purposes of the Northwest Executive building : m2_ For compensation of superintendent, four watchmen, and two laborers gmlugolgppghwest Executive building, three thousand eight hundred and _ _ For fuel, light, and miscellaneous items four thousand dollars 0,3;,**:*58;:;:: For the general purposes of the building corner of F and teonth Snesu. Fo 0 t_ f Seventeegth streets; rc m ensa 1on o superinten t, f th ,a d for said butldmg, three thousand eiglil:nhun(dli·ledw:n(d lim; dolllamiw laborers X l A • ¤ wlgozigpp ,1 pimp?;;?;; of fireman, and miscellaneous items, four thou- ,,§§§}" D°¥""" Nw D**P¢”mW· -—F<>r qcmpcusauou of the Secretary of rhs Navy andthe clerks, messenger assistant me · · ’ _ _ , ssenger, and laborer in his office, twcpity-nine thousand six hundred dollars. Hummer or compensation of the chief of the Bu EN yum md Docks and the cl k reau o avy Yards and D , » ers,messen r, dlb h' °<::°0m thpxsand one hundred pod fortyéleollalid R Orem m is mice, fourteen ww or compensation o the chief of the B f dh 4,, ureau o Ordnance d H - bbxy gm 5£§§;;£:{Lr;;dhQ:w;l;]¤é ;1;=;S<:;)g;,Sand laborer in his officgftwelge °°"°‘¤°· For com cnsat' { h · ° . tb _ p _1onotechiefofthB f ‘- °’ M ’ me·nt,m1:§1dII:,epmrs,·anldiof the Engineeriln-Old;2 hnxljfllldtrcldnlklglrxliggldsof géy d0um;·°"°” m 5 <>Hi<>6, twenty-one thousand three hundred and kim For com ensat' f h . md dl;",‘,fnU f _ _ p ron o · the clerks, messenger, and laborer m the Bureau o Provisions and Clothmg,eight thousand eight hundred and forty dollars.