THIR/I`Y—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 44. 1861. 143 For salaries of the district judges, one hundred and fifteen thousand one hundred and eighty-four dollars and six cents. For salary of the circuit judge of California, six thousand dollars. I For salaries of the chief justice of the District of Columbia, the associate Judges, and the judges of the criminal court and the orphans’ court, Eileen thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. Office of the Attorney- General.-For salaries of the Attorney-General, gmc`, ,,;Am,,._ Assistant Attorney-Genera], and the clerks and messenger in his office, ¤cy·G¤¤·=rv.L seventeen thousand five hundred dollars. i For contingent expenses of the office of the Attorney-General, one l thousand seven hundred dollars. For purchase of law-books, and necessary books for the odioe of the Attorney-General, five hundred dollars. d ger furniture for the omce of the Attorney-General, three hundred 0 rs. For legal assistance and other necessary expenditures in the disposal Expenses of of private land claims in California, ten thousand dollars. 0¤!¤`¤mi¤ iw! For special and other extraordinary expenses of California land claims, °]°m°°‘ twenty thousand dollars. For salary of the reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court, one mpegs,. thousand three hundred dollars. For compensation of the district attorneys, eleven thousand eight hun- pm,-ict am,. dred and fifty dollars. ¤¢y¤ ¤¤d ¤¤¤r— For compensation of the marshals, ten thousand four hundred dollars. °h°!°' For defraying the expenses of the Supreme, circuit, and district court[s] g,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, of the United States, including the District of Columbia; also, for jurors and prosecution and witnesses, in aid of the fimds arising from fines, penalties and for- °f°"m°‘ feitures incurred in the fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and previous years; and likewise for defraying the expenses of suits in which the United States are concerned, and of prosecutions for ofences committed against the United States, and for the safekeeping of prisoners, one million dollars. _ Annuities and Grants.—To Elizabeth C. Perry, per act second March, PP‘“b°u* c· eighteen hundred and twenty-one, four hundred dollars. gg, ch, 3;, Independent Treasury. -— For salaries of the assistant treasurers of the V<>l· iii- P- 629- United States at New York, Boston, Charleston, and Saint Louis, sixteen T:£§p1,;{°d°°° thousand five hundred dollars. For additional salaries of the treasurer of the Mint at Philadelphia, of one thousand dollars, and of the treasurer of the branch mint at New Orleans, of five hundred dollars, one thousand five hundred dollars. For salaries of the five additional clerks authorized by the acts of sixth 1846, db M_ August, eighteen hundred and forty-six, and paid under acts of twelfth 1858,ch. 166. August, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, third March, eighteen hundred il; and fifty-one, and third March, eighteen hundred and nfty-five, five thou- Vol. ii. pl css: sand seven hundred dollars. For salary of additional clerk in office of assistant treasurer at Boston, one thousand two hundred dollars. For salaries of clerks, messengers, and watchman in the office of the assistant treasurer at New York, thirteen thousand nine hundred dollars. For salaries of nine supervising and fifty local inspectors, appointed Steamboat inunder act thirtieth August, eighteen hundred and Efty-two, tbr the better “P;§g;’°ph 106 protection of the lives of passengers by steamboats, with travelling and v,,;_x_1§_6;f other expenses incurred by them, eighty thousand dollars. Labcmm For compensation to the laborer in charge of the water-closets in the watchmen,&.c. Capitol, four hundred and thirty-eight dollars. For compensation to the public gardener, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of twenty-four laborers employed in the public grounds and Presidenfs garden, thirteen thousand two hundred dollars.
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