i THIRTY—SlXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 45. 1861. 145
Cnr. XLV. —An Act to carry into Efwt Conventions between the United Statcswncl Febru1uyS0, 1861.
Y the Republics of New Granada and Costa Rica. """""""` {Q; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Ropresentatives of the United PW, P- 615- States ty America in Oimgress assembled, That the President of the C0 . . t
United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall dew3Q5B3g ·°
appoint a commissioner whose duty it shall be, conjointly with a commis— amoppt cfclnims X sioner appointed by the Government of New Granada, to investigate, ad- {’f”m?,£,_“§*;&;m° 1 gust, and determine the amount of the claims of citizens of the United against New tutes against the Government of New Granada, pursuant to the terms G'¤¤¤d*’··
of a convention signed at Washington on the tenth of September, eighteen P°¢»1>· 985
" hundred and fifty-seven. 3 Sec. 2. And be it further enactea§ That the President of the United gmm,-yu, ` States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint a <>¤¤1¤1i¤Si0¤¢1'· _v secretary to said commissioner in behalf of the United States, versed in · the English and Spanish languages, and the said board is hereby authorized to appoint a. clerk. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the compensation of the re- pq,-otwm. spective officers, for whose appointment provision is made by this act, shall mi8¤¤°¤¤¤’» ¤¤¤*°·· t be as follows: to the commissioner, in full for his services, two thousand sggsnd mw i five hundred dollars; to the secretary and interpreter, in full for his services, the sum of two thousand dollars; and the President of the United l States shall be and he is hereby authorized to make such provision for
- the contingent expenses of the said commission on the part of the United
t States as shall to him appear reasonable and proper. ° Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the said commissioner on the R,,g,,],,,,,,,,;,,, ‘ part of the United States, in conjunction with the commissioner on the the commission. ' part of New Granada, shall be and he is hereby authorized to make all needful rules and regulations for conducting the business of their said commission; such rules and regulations not contravening the Constitution of the United States, the provisions of this act, or the provisions of the said convention. Sec. 5. And be it ftrtlaer enacted, That the Secretary of State is Scmuq of hereby authorized and required to transmit to the said commissioner such SMB ¢¤ ¤‘#-¤¤mi¢ l papers or records relating to the said commission as he may deem proper, &`°m;’$.‘Q;'f:;:,_m or as may be called for by the said commissioners, and at the termination of the commission, all the records, documents, and all other papers which have been brought before the Commissioners, or which may be in possession of their secretary, shall be deposited in the Department of State : Provided, That this section shall not be so construed as to prevent the Pm . commissioner on the part of New Granada from depositing in the said vm' Department certified copies or duplicates of papers tiled on behalf of his Government instead of originals. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That upon suggestion by any claim—· Testimony ot ant that a witness whose testimony may be deemed important to him re- Egghggyr fuses or is unwilling to testify in regard to his claim, it shall be competent ¤h,,,_’ for said Board of Commissioners to issue a commission to some suitable person to take the testimony of such witness, and such witness may be PMP- 615- compelled to appear and testify before such commissioners in the same manner as is now provided by law in the case of commissions issued from the courts of the United States. Sec. 7. And be ·£tjin·t/zcr enacted, That all acknowledgment of indebt— Indebtedness edness on the part of the Government of New Granada to claimants, of New Granada, citizens of the United States, being established by the award of the Board b"' P"Y‘bl°· of Commissioners, shall be delivered to the Government of the United States, and made payable thereto; and the United States shall thereupon assume and pay to such claimants, at the Treasury, upon the certificate of the Board of Commissioners, whatsoever sums of money shall have been severally awarded them, the Government of the United States becoming tbereby the creditor of the Government of New Granada, for the VOL. xr:. Pun.-19