Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/177

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THIRTY-—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cn;. 49. 1861. 147 CHAP. XLlX.—An Act making dfprapiiztiam bfor the Naval Semin for the Year F¢ ending the zlzirtieth of une, eighteen undred and sixty-two. """"""`—"""' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That: the following sums be LPP*°P*'i¤£¤\ and they are hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. _ For pay of commission, warrant, and petty officers and seamen, includ- Pay. mg the engineer corps of the navy, four million four hundred and thirty- eight thousand Eve hundred and seventy-seven dollars. _ _ For provisions for commission, warrant, and petty officers and seamen, P’°“"°””· including engineers and marines attached to vessels for sea service, one million fbrty-two thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. For surgeons necessaries and appliances for the sick and hurt of the Siek,&e. navy, including the engineer and marine corps, thirty-five thousand five hundred and fifty dollars. For the repair and equipment of vessels of the navy, two million ive Repair and hundred and eighty thousand dollars: Provided, That not more than °q§;l;mv,$·‘:‘·¤w three thousand dollars shall hereafter be expended at any navy yard in mph ima., repairing the hull and spars of any vessel until the necessity and expedir W6? $3»000» °f • ency of such repair, and the probable cost thereof, be ascertained and ;:S,.:{1 at ° mv! reported to the Navy Department by an examining board, to be composed of one captain or oommandediu the navy, to be appointed by the Secretary of the Navy, the naval constructor of the yard where any vessel may be ordered for repairs, and two master-workmen of such yard, or one master·workmau and an engineer of the navy, according to the nature of the repairs to be made; said master-workman or engineer to be designated by the head of the Bureau of Construction and Repairs; and not more than one thousand dollars shall be expended in repairs on the sails C0¤*i¤8 ¤ver and rigging of any vessel until the expediency and necessity ot? such re- $1·°°°‘ pairs and the estimated cost thereof have been ascertained and reported to the Navy Department by an examining board, to be composed of one naval officer, appointed by the Secretary of the Navy, and the master rigger and the master sailmaker of the yard where such vessel may be ordered. For fuel for the navy, to be purchased in the mode prescribed by law Fuel. for other materials, and for the transportation thereof, five hundred and forty thousand dollars. For the purchase of hemp and other materials for the navy, three hun- Hemp. dred thousand dollars. For ordnance and ordnance stores, including incidental expenses, three 0¤i¤¤·¤¤¤, &c- hundred and twenty-seven thousand five hundred dollars. For contingent expenses that may accrue for the following purposes, C¤¤*i¤:•¤f¤· viz: freight and transportation, printing and stationery, advertising in mum newspapers, books, maps, models, and drawings, purchase and repair of tire-engines and machinery, repairs of and attending to steam engines in navy yards, purchase and maintenance of horses and oxen, and driving teams, carts, timber wheels, and the purchase and repairs of workmexfs tools, postage of public letters, fuel, oil, and candles for navy yards and shore stations, pay of watchmen and incidental labor not chargeable to any other appropriation, transportation to and labor attending the delivery 0f provisions and stores on foreign stations, wharfage, dockage, and rent, travelling expenses of officers and others under orders, funeral expenses, store and office rent, fuel, commissions and pay of clerks to navy agents and storelgeepers, flags, awnings, and packing boxes, premiums and other expenses of recruiting, apprebending deserters, per diem pay to persons attending courts martial, courts of inquiry, and other services authorised by law, pay to judge advocates, pilotage and towage of vessels, and assistance to vessels in distress, and for bills of health and quarantme expenses